RT期刊文章SR电子T1血清雄激素颞叶癫痫手术后恢复正常男性摩根富林明神经学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 820 OP 824 10.1212 / WNL.55.6.820 VO 55是6 A首页1 j·鲍尔A1 b Stoffel-Wagner A1 d Flugel A1 m·克鲁格A1 j·施拉姆A1 F。Bidlingmaier A1石球Elger年2000 UL http://n.neurolo首页gy.org/content/55/6/820.abstract AB背景:从颞叶癫痫放电可能会影响垂体轴激素的释放。如果癫痫手术影响底层的癫痫症有人可能认为血清激素浓度手术后恢复正常。病人:22 25 - 48岁男性癫痫(意思是,34.9年)手术前进行调查,3、6和12个月后手术。药物治疗(所有患者接受卡马西平)是手术后维护。方法:激素测量包括促黄体激素,促卵泡激素、雌二醇、睾酮、游离睾酮、雄烯二酮、催乳素、硫酸脱氢表雄酮、皮质醇、生长激素和性hormone-binding球蛋白。这些激素水平与105年相比健康男性(平均年龄33.9岁)。结果:十四22名患者(63.6%)达到了总发作控制癫痫手术后。14成功控制癫痫患者进入进一步分析。手术前病人的游离睾酮和雄烯二酮浓度与健康男性相比显著降低。 In seven of the 14 patients a significant increase of hormone serum concentrations could be demonstrated for testosterone, free testosterone, and androstenedione. Laterality of epileptic focus, enzyme-inducing medication, stress, and the decreasing number of patients during the follow-up did not correlate with the finding of a normalization of serum androgens. Patients without complete seizure control did not show an increase in serum androgen concentrations. Conclusion: Successful temporal lobe epilepsy surgery may lead to a normalization of serum androgen concentrations in men with epilepsy.