TY - T1的头部受伤和广告在海市蜃楼的风险研究摩根富林明——神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1316 LP - 1323 - 10.1212 首页/ WNL.54.6.1316六世- 54是郭z - 6盟盟——洛杉矶Cupples AU - a . Kurz盟萨达姆政权Auerbach盟- l . Volicer直绿盟盟- h·崔盟-公元Sadovnick盟- r .这盟- c DeCarli盟直走- k·约翰逊盟盟——J.H. Growdon AU -乔纳森·l·海恩斯盟西澳Kukull AU -洛杉矶法瑞尔Y1 - 2000/03/28 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/54/6/1316.abstract N2 -目标:一些研究表明,头部受伤是广告的一个危险因素,而这APOE-ε4等位基因携带者的风险加剧。我们检查头部受伤的影响,载脂蛋白e基因型生长在一个大家庭中广告风险研究。主题:总共有2233名渊源者遇到可能的或明确的广告,14668一级标准家庭成员(4465年的父母,7694年的兄弟姐妹,和2509年的配偶)在13个中心被确定在美国,加拿大和德国参与幻影(多机构研究阿尔茨海默遗传流行病学研究)项目。头部受伤的信息收集的采访中多个告密者和回顾医疗记录。Nondemented亲戚和配偶作为本研究的对照组。方法:广告的几率为头部外伤或没有意识丧失的计算是通过比较渊源者与配偶使用条件逻辑回归分析的影响。占独特的生物之间的关系渊源者和他们的父母和兄弟姐妹,广告的几率是计算使用广义估计方程(GEE)泊松回归方法。哎呀我们使用逻辑回归检验APOE基因型的联合效应和头部受伤的几率广告渊源者和一个对照组由兄弟姐妹和配偶的影响。渊源者的比较结果:影响配偶产生广告的优势比为9.9 (95% CI, 6.5 - 15.1)头部受伤意识丧失和3.1(2.3 - 4.0)头部受伤没有失去意识。相应的概率来自渊源者的比较与父母和兄弟姐妹是4.0(2.9 - 5.5)头部受伤意识丧失和2.0(1.5 - 2.7)头部受伤没有失去意识。 Head injury without loss of consciousness did not significantly increase the risk of AD in spouses (OR = 1.3; 95% CI, 0.4 to 4.1). The joint effects of head injury and APOE genotype were evaluated in a subsample of 942 probands and 327 controls (spouses and siblings). Head injury increased the odds of AD to a greater extent among those lacking ε4 (OR = 3.3) than among ε4 heterozygotes (OR = 1.8) or homozygotes (OR = 1.3). Conclusion: Head injury is a risk factor for AD. The magnitude of the risk is proportional to severity and heightened among first-degree relatives of AD patients. The influence of head injury on the risk of AD appears to be greater among persons lacking APOE-ε4 compared with those having one or two ε4 alleles, suggesting that these risk factors may have a common biologic underpinning. ER -