RT期刊文章SR电子T1的影响anti-α4整合素抗体对大脑病变活动摩根富林明神经学神经学乔女士FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 466 OP 466做的是10.1212 / WNL.53.3首页.466 VO 53 A1 n Tubridy A1汇票Behan A1 r . Capildeo A1。乔杜里A1 r·福布斯A1 C.P.霍金斯A1 R.A. c·休斯A1 j .宫A1 b Sharrack A1 r .打麻器A1 c .年轻A1 I.F.莫斯利A1 D.G. MacManus A1 s·多诺霍A1 d·h·米勒A1英国Antegren研究小组1999年UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/53/3/466.abstract AB目的:确定人源化单克隆抗体的影响对α4整合素(无功α4β1整合素或很晚a首页ntigen-4)女士在MRI病灶活动方法:一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验,72年活跃的患者复发缓和和次要进步的女士。每个病人接受两种静脉输液anti-α4整合蛋白抗体(natalizumab;Antegren)或安慰剂4周,与串行MRI随访24周和临床评估。结果:治疗组表现出更少的新活动病变(平均1.8和3.6每个病人)和新的增强病变(每个病人平均1.6和3.3)比安慰剂组在头12周。没有显著差异的新的活动或增强病变在第二12周的研究。baseline-enhancing病变(即的数量。病变,提高基线扫描),继续加强第一次治疗后4周两组之间没有明显不同。患者急性发作女士的数量没有明显不同的两组在第一次12周治疗组(9和10安慰剂),但高治疗组在第二个12周(14和3;p = 0.005)。 The study was not, however, designed to look definitively at the effect of treatment on relapse rate. Treatment was well tolerated. Conclusions: Short-term treatment with monoclonal antibody against α4 integrin results in a significant reduction in the number of new active lesions on MRI. Further studies will be required to determine the longer term effect of this treatment on MRI and clinical outcomes.