PT -期刊文章盟- l . Durelli AU - m . r . Bongioanni AU - b .费列罗盟- r·费里盟- d Imperiale盟——g·b·Bradac盟m . Bergui AU - m . Geuna AU - l . Bergamini AU - b Bergamasco TI -干扰素alpha-2a复发缓和多发性硬化治疗援助- 10.1212 / WNL.47.1.123 DP - 1996 7月01 TA -神经病学PG - 123——129 // VI - 47 IP - 1 4099 - 410首页0 - //所以Neurology1996 7月01;47 AB -我们评估系统性高剂量的长期影响重组干扰素alpha-2a (rIFNA)复发缓和中断治疗后(RR)女士在一个单盲随机安慰剂对照试验与20 RR临床明确医学患者使用九百万IU肌内rIFNA (n = 12)或安慰剂(n = 8)每隔一天6个月。后续进一步持续了6个月没有干扰素治疗。rIFNA-treated患者,主要结果措施,明显不同于安慰剂治疗期间,回来的时候,停止治疗后,类似于安慰剂或者基线值。Active MRI lesions per patient increased from 0.08 +/- 0.08 to 1.2 +/- 0.4 (p < 0.02), number of patients with clinical MRI signs of disease activity from 2 of 12 to 8 of 12 (p < 0.04), lymphocyte IFN gamma production from 3.0 +/- 0.7 to 12.4 +/- 2.2 IU/mL (p < 0.01), lymphocyte tumor necrosis factor alpha production from 5.8 +/- 0.9 to 18.9 +/- 6.3 pg/mL (p < 0.05). All side effects of rIFNA treatment disappeared after discontinuing the drug. The reduction of clinical MRI signs of disease activity and the immunologic effects were temporary and restricted to the period of rIFNA administration. The depression of many immunologic and clinical MRI responses during drug administration and their simultaneous return to baseline after discontinuing the drug strongly argue that all observed changes were related to drug administration. NEUROLOGY 1996;47: 123-129