% 0期刊文章%一个w·海丝特维瑟% Rolf莫莱森德Vriend % Natasja M.W.H.雅斯贝尔斯%米歇尔·D·法拉利% T舒马曲坦在临床实践中% B 2年对453名偏头痛患者% D 1996% R 10.1212 / WNL.47.1.46 % J神经病学X % P 46-51 % V 47% N 1%的长期和within-patient一致性皮下和口服舒马曲坦在偏头痛的临床疗效和耐受性研究通过2年的回顾性调查问卷邮寄我们的神经首页病学门诊诊所。受试者偏头痛患者或没有光环(N = 869)。我们测量长期使用舒马曲坦和within-patient一致性和随时间变化的头痛,头痛复发,后舒马曲坦和胸部症状。调查问卷是由735名(85%)患者返回;453年使用了舒马曲坦近28000袭击在25(中位数)个月(92% > 1年)。舒马曲坦提供头痛缓解,大多在2小时内,85%的患者至少三分之二的攻击。所有患者中,75%有经验的(通常是多个)头痛复发至少在某些和40%(几乎)所有的攻击。复发时间中位数为8到12小时(范围1 - 30)。复发的光环被报道。2年来,舒马曲坦在18%的病人减弱的效果(主要是由于头痛复发)的增加和改进在12%(主要是因为减少头痛复发或头痛缓解不良事件或增加); the number of monthly doses of sumatriptan had increased in 20%, reduced in 35%, and not changed in 45% of patients. Chest symptoms occurred in up to 58% of patients in at least some and in up to 42% of patients in all attacks, causing discontinuation of sumatriptan in 10%. In total, 111 patients (25%) discontinued sumatriptan mainly because of headache recurrence, adverse events, insufficient headache relief, or high price. In most patients, the effects of sumatriptan were consistent within subjects and over time. In most patients, sumatriptan provided rapid headache relief. Multiple headache recurrence was the major limitation. Chest symptoms were frequent but usually not serious if patients were forewarned. NEUROLOGY 1996;47: 46-51 %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/47/1/46.full.pdf