泰的T1 -阿尔茨海默病摩根富林明神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1575 LP -首页 1579 - 10.1212 / WNL.46.6.1575六世- 46 - 6非盟- r .这盟- w·w·巴克AU - r . Lopez-Alberola AU - d . a . Loewenstein盟l·b·格劳盟- d·吉尔克莱斯特盟- s Sevush AU - p h .圣George-Hyslop Y1 - 1996/06/01 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/46/6/1575.abstract N2 -我们主要评估197例晚发性阿尔茨海默病(AD)属于几个民族的发病年龄的关系和分析广告的存在与否在整个组患者的几个风险因素。The apolipoprotein E (apoE) epsilon 4 allele frequency, which was 29% in all patients (compared with the reported population mean of 13.7%, p < 0.001, did not vary significantly between ethnic groups but declined significantly with increasing age. The apoE epsilon 2 allele frequency was 3%, compared with the reported population mean of 7.4% (p = 0.001). The frequency of a positive family history of dementia in first-degree relatives (FH+) (overall 45%) did not vary significantly between ethnic groups. ApoE epsilon 4-positive (epsilon 4+) patients tended to have a higher FH+ rate (58%) than apoE epsilon 4-negative (epsilon 4-) patients (40%) (p = 0.02). When the potential risk factors of gender, education, FH+ status, and epsilon 4+ status were examined together in a multiple linear-regression analysis, FH+ and epsilon 4+ status (but not gender or education) were significant (they were both associated with an earlier age of onset of AD). In a post-hoc analysis, we found a reduced age of onset in women, but not men, who were both FH+ and epsilon 4+. Additionally, those probands who were epsilon 4+ were more likely to inherit the disease from their mothers than their fathers. The mechanism by which epsilon 4+ and FH+ status operate as risk factors may be by their effect on the age of onset of AD. NEUROLOGY 1996;46: 1575-1579 ER -