TY -的T1 -睑痉挛摩根富林明-神经学乔-神经病学SP - 12首页13 LP - 1213 - 10.1212 / WNL.46.5.1213六世- 46 - 5 AU -马克哈雷特盟罗伯特b .荷Y1 - 1996/05/01 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/46/5/1213.abstract N2 -睑痉挛是指过度强制关闭的眼睑。通常(但不总是)由于眼轮匝肌痉挛(OO)肌肉和中枢神经系统多种疾病的发生,也可能发生在其次眼部疾病。最常见的眼睑痉挛,良性基本睑痉挛(BEB),来历不明的,通常被认为是局灶性肌张力障碍的一种形式。之前的完整讨论睑痉挛的临床和病理生理方面,综述眼睑的正常解剖学和生理学的控制。眼睑的运动由两块肌肉控制。OO肌肉关闭眼睑,眼睑打开眼睑提肌把上盖。OO肌肉是由三个部分组成的。最深的(最靠近眼球)是pretarsal覆盖部分睑板(眼睑适当)。至隔膜前部分,接下来是最肤浅的轨道部分。与正常闪烁,pretarsal部分主要是招募。 The preseptal and orbital regions are recruited with more forced voluntary closure of the eyelids. The muscle fibers of the OO muscle do not run the full length of the muscle, and interdigitate. 1 In the rabbit eyelid, fiber length averages 36% of the length of the entire muscle. The motor units of the OO are small, with approximately 25 muscle fibers per unit. Anatomically, 90% of the muscle fibers is fast or type II. Physiologic observations of the time to peak tension and half relaxation times are consistent with this, but the muscle appears to be more fatigue resistant than would be expected. 2 Hence, the character of the muscle is unique compared with skeletal muscle. There are occasional muscle spindles in OO muscle, but these are sparse and are not well studied. The kinematics of blinks has … ER -