PT -期刊文章盟Ivie Tokunboh AU -蒙特罗Marta威尔士人盟Matheus Zopelaro盟Nestor冈萨雷斯- Latisha Sharma盟盟-西德尼·斯达克曼盟维克多Szeder AU - Reza贾汗AU -大卫Liebeskind AU -杰弗里节省TI -发展中一个家庭的视觉决策辅助静脉和血管内再灌注治疗急性缺血性中风(S25.006) DP - 2017年4月18日TA -神经病学PG - S25.006 VI - 88 IP - 16补充4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurolog首页y2017 4月18日;88 AB -目的:发展和谐的视觉辅助决策的三个主要的再灌注干预对急性缺血性中风(AIS),静脉tPA在3 h,在3 - 4.5 h IV tPA,血管内血栓切除术。背景:快速决策是至关重要的优化结果的再灌注治疗AIS。视觉显示可以方便快速审查有关结果不同课程的行动。设计/方法:为每个3治疗,我们使用我们登记试验的数据(研究所tPA试验1和2,eca 3和SWIFT-PRIME)产生100 person-icon数组显示有益的和有害的治疗影响(Kuiper-Marshall personographs)。联合结果表规范方法消除歧义治疗获益所需数量和数量需要治疗伤害。结果:联合表分析结果显示以下100治疗患者效果:IV tPA下3 h: 32更好的残疾患者的结果由于疗法,包括13个正常或接近正常的夫人(0 - 1);3严重残疾的结果患者由于治疗与西奇(所有),包括一个严重残疾或死亡(5 - 6夫人)。IV tPA 3 - 4.5 h: 16个更好的残疾患者由于治疗,结果包括7更正常或接近正常;3严重残疾的结果患者由于治疗与西奇(所有),包括3更严重残疾或死亡。血栓切除术添加到tPA: 49更好的残疾患者的结果作为治疗的结果,包括23个正常或接近正常; 1 patient with a worse disability outcome as a result of therapy (with infarct in new territory). New visual displays efficiently conveyed this information to patients and family.Conclusions: Personograph visual decision aids are a promising approach to rapidly educating patients, family, and healthcare providers on the benefits and risks of the major reperfusion therapies for acute ischemic stroke.Disclosure: Dr. Tokunboh has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vales Montero has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zopelaro has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sharma has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gonzalez has received research support from NIH. Dr. Starkman has received research support from the National Institute of Health, Stryker, Biogen IDEC, Neuravi, Genentech, Covidien, and Astra-Zeneca. Dr. Szeder has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jahan has received personal compensation for activities with Medtronic Neurovascular as a consultant. Dr. Liebeskind has received personal compensation for activities with Stryker and Covidien as a consultant. Dr. Saver has received personal compensation for activities with Medtronic, Stryker, Neuravi, and Boehringer Ingelheim as a consultant. Dr. Saver has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for JAMA. Dr. Saver has received research support from Medtronic and Stryker.