@article {Al KasabP1.248作者={萨米艾尔卡萨伯和蕾切尔道森和Jorge L Jaramillo和乔纳森·j·哈尔福德},title ={相关性癫痫发作的频率和药物Down-titration率在Video-EEG监测(P1.248)},体积={88}={16}补充数量,elocation-id = {P1.248} ={2017},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:三个重要问题的管理病人是否有效执行VEM VEM低门诊患者发作频率,是否快速Down-titration AED EMU入学期间有助于产生更多的癫痫发作,和一个病人没有多久应监测癫痫发作。首页本研究旨在回答这些问题。背景:Video-electroencephalographic监视(VEM)癫痫和non-epileptic区分开来的关键事件,癫痫发作类型分类和术前评估。在管理病人承认VEM,没有接受实践指南。设计/方法:入院前发作频率、时间和剂量的AED管理和癫痫发生的时候被收集在所有成年患者承认鸸鹋之间的南卡罗来纳医科大学的2012年和2014年,共有439名患者。鸸鹋之间的相关性癫痫发作频率和入院前发作频率和AED down-titration率进行评估。癫痫的发生时间是评估。估计AED血液水平计算基于AED的数量和时间剂量和规范化的基础上意味着AED每日剂量。估计AED血液水平进行了计算。结果:没有相关性patient-reported门诊癫痫发作频率和鸸鹋发作频率。 In patients who were tapered off AEDs during monitoring, the rate of AED taper correlated with the EMU seizure frequency. Neurologists who tapered patients from AEDs faster generated higher seizure frequencies. In order to record a first event in patients of unknown seizure type, at least 4 days of monitoring was requiredConclusions: Clinicians should not hesitate to admit patients with low pre-admission seizure frequency to the EMU since many of these patients will have a seizure during monitoring. Faster AED down-titration in the increases EMU seizure frequency. In patients who have not had a seizure, monitoring should continue for at least four daysStudy Supported by: NA.Disclosure: Dr. Al Kasab has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dawson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jaramillo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Halford has received personal compensation for activities with Brain Sentinel, Acorda Therapeutics, Eisai Inc., UCB Pharma, Lundbeck Research USA, Inc., Validus Pharmaceuticals, and Upsher-Smith. Dr. Halford has received research support from Acorda Therapeutics, Eisai Inc., LCGH, GW Pharmaceuticals, Lundbeck Research USA, Inc., Optima Neurosciences, UCB Pharma, and the Epilepsy Study Consortium.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P1.248}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }