@article {Seystahl10.1212 / WNL。0000000000207624,作者={凯瑟琳Seystahl和尼古拉斯Martinez-Majander亚历山大·萨勒诺和莫兰Beyeler Hebun Erdur和乔{\ ~}o佩德罗和基督教Hametner Marialuisa Zedde和亚历山德罗Pezzini Ronen求偶场和缬草Altersberger蒋禄卡Costamagna米格尔Ser {\ ^ o}戴奥和Ludovica阶段和罗萨里奥Pascarella埋安德里亚和劳拉Mannism {\“} ki和亚尼克B {\ ' e}记西蒙·荣格和Henrik Gensicke Visnja Padjen和彼得·a . Ringleb和基督教诺尔特和Mirjam R Heldner帕特里克•米歇尔和斯蒂芬·t·Engelter萨米Curtze和迈克尔·韦勒Susanne韦格纳},title ={静脉溶栓有或没有血管内治疗疑似缺血性中风患者的颅内肿瘤},elocation-id = {10.1212 / WNL。={2023}0000000000207624},年,doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000207624}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目标:静脉溶栓(溶)疑似缺血性中风患者的颅内肿瘤标示外。首页然而,颅内出血的风险数据(我)是稀缺。方法:在欧洲多中心基于注册分析缺血性中风患者的溶栓(TRISP)合作,我们评估的频率和致命的症状我诊断后疑似缺血性中风患者的颅内肿瘤通过描述性统计和分析协会的临床和影像特征的二元逻辑回归。出血症状的定义是基于欧洲合作的临床标准急性Stroke-II试验包括在任何网站在颅骨成像和并发出血的临床恶化。结果:筛选来自14个中心的21289名患者的数据,我们确定了105名患者接受诊断,其中29名患者(28 \ %)额外的血管内治疗,怀疑,即成像,或颅内肿瘤的组织学证实诊断。104 CT或MRI诊断可用后,患者症状和致命我观察在9和4名患者(9 \ % 4 \ %)。82名疑似或确诊脑膜瘤患者,症状和致命我发生在6和3例(7 \ % 4 \ %)。患者在18个intra-axial疑似或确诊主要或次要脑部肿瘤,有一个非致命的症状我(6 \ %)。 Out of four patients with tumors of the pituitary region, two patients (50\%) had symptomatic ICH including one fatal ICH (25\%). Tumor size was not associated with occurrence of symptomatic ICH (Odds ratio 2.8, 95\% CI 0.3-24.8, p=0.34).Discussion:In our dataset from routine clinical care, we provide insights on the safety of IVT for suspected ischemic stroke in patients with intracranial tumors, a population that is commonly withheld thrombolysis in clinical practice and prospective trials. Except for a potential high risk of symptomatic ICH after IVT in patients with tumors of the pituitary region, frequencies of symptomatic ICH in patients with intracranial tumors in our cohort appear to be in the upper range of rates observed in previous studies within the TRISP cooperation. These results may guide individual treatment decisions in patients with acute stroke and intracranial tumors with potential benefit of IVT.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/early/2023/07/18/WNL.0000000000207624}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/early/2023/07/18/WNL.0000000000207624.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }