% 0期刊文章%一个泰国人Armangue % Eugenia马丁斯·% Josep Dalmau一个弗朗西斯克格劳% % T大脑自身免疫后单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎(HSE): 100例(S30.004) % D J神经病学2017% % P S30.004 X % V % 88% N 16补充目的:报告引发的自身抗体的临床意义HSE的100名患者。首页背景:NMDA受体抗体(NMDAR)和其他较少细胞表面抗原已报告post-HSE复发患者的症状。设计/方法:患者前瞻性地确定从全国多中心研究,包括所有新诊断病例HSE (nHSE),和从我们实验室情况下称为自身免疫性脑炎(AE)发生post-HSE。通过免疫组织化学方法确定抗体在老鼠大脑组织,培养神经元,和基于单元的分析。结果:我们发现100例(50 < 18年);47是nHSE前瞻性后感染,AE post-HSE 53。12个/ 47(26%)由于AE nHSE也出现复发症状。所有儿童≤3年发展舞蹈手足徐动症有或没有癫痫,而病人> 3年主要显示异常行为(p < 0.001),最常被误诊为HSE的后遗症。HSE的诊断时,0/47的患者神经元表面抗体。相比之下,时间的AE, 56/65(86%)患者以下抗原抗体:NMDAR (n = 40;2的共存GABAaR抗体),未知的细胞表面抗原(15),和GAD65(1),其中35个病人没有出现AE, 14(40%)抗体在前瞻性随访研究(3 NMDAR 10未知的细胞表面,1 GAD65);在这些患者抗体频繁瞬变检测而在那些AE抗体仍可检测的几个月。 Overall, detection of NMDAR antibodies after HSE significantly increased the risk of AE (OR 14, IC95%3–75, p<0.01).Conclusions: 26% of patients with HSE develop AE. These patients often have several autoantibodies, among which NMDAR is the most frequently detected. In patients with HSE the subsequent detection of NMDAR antibodies predicts relapsing symptoms due to AE.Study Supported by:Mutua Madrileña Fundation Research Grant, Instituto Carlos III, Madrid (PI14/00203; CM14/00081), Dodot Procter & Gamble research grant sponsored by Asociación Española de Pediatría (AEP) (DN040579, TA), and CIBERERDisclosure: Dr. Armangue has received research support from Mutua Madrileña Foundation. Dr. Martinez-Hernandez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Graus has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dalmau receives royalties from the editorial board of Up-To-Date. Dr. Dalmau has received royalties from a patent from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and royalty payments and/or for technology and invention on NMDAR, GABA(B), GABAaR, DPPX, and IgLON5 antibody test. Dr. Dalmau has received research support from Euroimmun. %U