% 0期刊文章%安娜> % Nicholas J阿什顿% Henrik Zetterberg % Kaj Blennow %一个安娜Zettergren %乔尔Simren % Tobias Skillback %一个萨拉·夏姆斯% Alejandra Machado %一个迈克尔肖勒埃里克·韦斯特曼% %英格玛·斯% Silke Kern % T慢性肾病协会与等离子体NfL和其他生物标记的神经退化:H70出生队列研究哥德堡% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2023%。0000000000207419 % J首页神经病学% P 10.1212 / WNL。0000000000207419 X %的背景和目的:研究副慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)与神经退化。本研究调查了肾功能的关系,血液、脑脊液(CSF)和结构大脑核磁共振神经退化的标志,在一个没有CKD的示例包括个人和。方法:参与者从哥德堡H70出生队列研究中,数据在plasma-neurofilament光(P-NfL),估计肾小球滤过率(eGFR)和结构包括脑部核磁共振。参与者被邀请也CSF收集。本研究的主要终点是确定任何CKD和P-NfL之间的联系。二次端点包括横断面CKD之间的关联,eGFR和脑脊液(CSF)和MRI-derived标记神经退化和阿尔茨海默病(AD)病理(MRI:皮质厚度,海马体积,侧脑室体积,白质病变体积;CSF:β-amyloid (Aβ)42、Aβ42/40 Aβ42 / p-tau t-tau p-tau, NfL)。参与者P-NfL和表皮生长因子受体eGFR在基线审查,5.5 (5.3;6.1)年(中位数;位差)后的第一次访问,P-NfL级别事件的预测价值CKD估计纵向,使用Cox比例风险模型。结果:我们包括了744名参与者,668没有CKD(71岁(70; 71) years, 50% males) and 76 with CKD (age 71 (70;71) years, 39% males). Biomarkers from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were analysed in 313 participants. 558 individuals returned for a re-examination of eGFR (75% response rate, age 76 (76; 77), 48% males, 76 new cases of CKD). Participants with CKD had higher P-NfL levels than those with normal kidney function (median; 18.8 versus 14.0 pg/mL, p<0.001), while MRI and CSF markers were similar between the groups. P-NfL was independently associated with CKD after adjustment for confounding variables, including hypertension and diabetes (OR; 3.231, p<0.001), in a logistic regression model. eGFR, and CSF Aβ 42/40: R=0.23, p=0.004 correlated in participants with Aβ42 pathology. P-NfL levels in the highest quartile were associated with incident CKD at follow-up (HR; 2.08 (1.14: 4.50)).Discussion: In a community-based cohort of 70-year olds, P-NfL was associated with both prevalent and incident CKD, while CSF and/or imaging measures did not differ by CKD status. Participants with CKD and dementia presented similar levels of P-NfL. %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/early/2023/05/24/WNL.0000000000207419.full.pdf