PT -期刊文章盟奈尔Fotedar TI -乒乓球的目光“楼梯”对准目标昏迷:oculographic分析使用脑电图(p3 - 9.005)援助- 10.1212 / WNL。0000000000202089 DP - 2023年4月25日TA -神经病首页学第六PG - 1739 - 100 IP - 17补充2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2023 4月25日;100 AB -目的:我们报告两例昏迷患者眼跳乒乓球的目光,这些眼球运动的oculographic分析使用脑电图。背景:乒乓球注视是一种周期性交替注视偏差在昏迷与每个周期持续几秒钟。这些眼球运动通常被描述为“光滑”。眼跳乒乓球的目光已经很少了。基本的解剖学和生理学是知之甚少。设计/方法:我们分析了眼球运动工件在两个昏迷的病人。眼睛就像一个电偶极子与前比后更积极。这导致运动工件脑电图特点,可用于研究眼球运动的类型和方向。在这项研究中,我们分析了眼球运动工件的多个页面患者的脑电图。 We used a prolonged time constant (TC) of 10s to characterize eye position and direction. A prolonged TC gets as close as possible to DC oculographic analysis.Results: Both patients demonstrated ping-pong gaze on EEG analysis, alternating direction every 2–5 seconds. In the patient with anoxic brain injury, the eye movement was smooth and it acquired a saccadic character when patient was stimulated. In the patient with hyperammonemic encephalopathy, the transition between smooth and saccadic was spontaneous. When the saccadic phase was analyzed with TC=10s, the waveform appeared like a “staircase” of saccades, marching toward one extreme over 2–5 seconds and then immediately switching direction.Conclusions: We report a novel finding of ping-pong gaze with “staircase” saccades in coma. Staircase saccades have been elicited by prolonged electrical stimulation of superior colliculus. We suggest that the presence of such eye movements indicate a supra-collicular level of injury, whereas isolated smooth ping-pong gaze likely indicates an infra-collicular level of injury. This could reflect a “lighter” state of consciousness in coma.Disclosure: Dr. Fotedar has nothing to disclose.