TY - T1的同时颅内EEG-surface EMG分析广义tonic-clonic癫痫(p10 - 1.004) JF -神经学乔-神经学做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000202102六世- 100 - 17补充2 SP - 1758 AU - Aybuke Acar AU - Hemani Ticku AU -奈尔Fotedar Y1 - 2023/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/conte首页nt/100/17_Supplement_2/1758.abstract N2 -目的:分析广义的神经生理学tonic-clonic (GTC)癫痫使用intracranial-EEG和surface-EMG数据。背景:GTC发作的确切机制还不清楚。多种波动描记分析与intracranial-EEG器一个(iEEG)和surface-EMG(表)提供了一个独特的机会来研究这种机制从神经生理学的角度来看。设计/方法:我们研究了两个难治性局灶性癫痫患者,癫痫单位录取iEEG和面肌电信号。两个病人接受直接皮层电刺激大脑皮层映射。iEEG和EMG信号记录使用Nihon-Kohden我- 120 256 -通道放大器采样率为2000 hz。GTC发作是激起了在两个病人各自的刺激。结果:主音阶段证明连续飙升活动iEEG最高权力在50 - 100赫兹范围。面肌电信号活动表明受体激动剂和拮抗剂的干涉图样,一致的强直性收缩功率谱随着iEEG非常相似。阵挛性的阶段被polyspike和慢波模式的特点。polyspikes和慢波与同步强直面肌破裂和silent-periods寿命及其受体激动剂和拮抗剂。叠加了polyspikes ~ 400 - 600赫兹的高频振荡(高频振荡器)。 The frequency of the serrations of the motor unit potentials in the sEMG bursts was a subharmonic of the HFOs. The iEEG-sEMG latency was ~17–21ms, consistent with corticospinal conduction. There was a progressive increase of the sEMG burst and silent-period duration during the clonic phase, associated with corresponding increases in the polyspike and slow-wave durations.Conclusions: This study shows a very close relationship between iEEG and sEMG activity in a GTC seizure. The very similar power spectra of the iEEG and sEMG activities indicate that a GTC seizure is a direct result of cortical electrical activity varying in a crescendo-decrescendo manner. The transition from tonic to clonic phase is due to the “weakening” of the seizure discharge intensity.Disclosure: Dr. Acar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ticku has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fotedar has nothing to disclose. ER -