TY - T1的脑电图分析眼球运动工件的顶叶和枕叶癫痫:搜索癫痫性眼球震颤(p10 - 1.011) JF -神经学乔-神经学做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000202667六世- 100 - 17补充2 SP - 2606 AU - Aybuke Acar AU -安东尼Zampino AU -马歇尔Kirsch AU -奈尔Fotedar Y1 - 2023/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/17_Sup首页plement_2/2606.abstract N2 -目的:报告眼球运动工件的方法分析脑电图没有小城镇的电极,并确定一个眼动特征工件在顶叶和枕叶癫痫,癫痫性眼球震颤(EN)一致。背景:EN是很少报道发作符号学,通常与癫痫发作有关起源于后皮质区域。EN往往容易错过了在长期video-EEG (vEEG)录音,因为多种原因,如贫穷相机分辨率或相机不集中在眼睛。设计/方法:我们进行了回顾性vEEG分析三个枕叶和顶叶癫痫患者。眼睛没有清晰可见的病人。我们分析了30秒的pre-ictal脑电图对任何不寻常的眼球运动,其次是猝发的脑电图。我们确定了单方面直接重复眼跳眼球运动工件的时代强音(≥5跳阅)。我们分析这些眼球运动与时间常数增加纵向双相蒙太奇(TC)≥2秒。结果:在所有三个病人,没有特定的模式重复的眼跳眼球运动工件pre-ictal时期。在发作期间,所有的病人显示重复侧眼跳眼球运动。分析TC≥2秒时,对准目标与线性交替缓慢阶段定向侧发作的焦点。 In one patient, there was a clear prolonged slow drift ipsilateral to the seizure focus before the onset of nystagmus, consistent with type II EN.Conclusions: EN is likely under-reported because of either lack of video evidence or lack of special EOG electrodes. Our study demonstrates a specific pattern of eye movement artifact seen on EEG in parietal and occipital seizures, consistent with EN. We also report a method to identify the slow and fast phases of EN on EEG, which can also delineate the underlying mechanism of EN (type I v type II).Disclosure: Dr. Acar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zampino has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kirsch has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fotedar has nothing to disclose. ER -