TY - T1的失眠,严重后遗症的COVID-19门诊神经组(p1 - 13.005) JF -神经学乔-神经学做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000204325六世- 100 - 17补充2 SP - 4946 AU -雪莉Fung盟瑞秋肯尼AU -萨拉·海曼盟-阿齐兹Seixas AU - Girardin jean - louis AU -劳拉Balcer盟Sujata Thawani Y1 - 2023/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/17_Supplement_2/4946.abstract N首页2 -目的:本研究旨在评估水平的一群PASC患者的失眠。背景:失眠患者可能是一个症状,急性COVID-19后遗症(PASC)经验。设计/方法:本研究分析了93年的症状SARS-CoV-2积极招募从门诊病人神经诊所。首页在最初的基线评估和1-year-follow起来,使用标准化的评估尺度在一次电话面试。失眠严重程度指数是一个验证的工具来评估失眠症状。在完成了后续的42例,症状之间的初始和1年随访评价比较。结果:基线,51%的参与者表示他们有睡眠困难,而在随访为48%。后续的参与者中,47%没有临床意义上的失眠,33%报道阈下失眠,16%报告中度临床失眠,5%报道严重临床失眠。的人失眠(n = 20)报道,11(55%)没有失眠或阈下失眠,和9在中度到重度的范围规模三军情报局。失眠在基线评估与ISI分数无关的后续访问。二进制ISI(分数不到15 =不阈下失眠或大于15 =中度到重度失眠)与Neuro-QOL焦虑t指数(p = 0.034、逻辑回归调整了年龄、性别、种族/民族),疲劳t指数(p = 0.009),抑郁t指数(p = 0.023)和MOCA得分(p = 0.048)。 Binary ISI was not associated with HIT6 or number of headaches in the last 30 days on the AMPP questionnaire.Conclusions: Sleep disturbances may be an important symptom which may be overlooked in patients suffering from PASC, which can be ongoing and disruptive for periods of years. Furthermore, association with worsened quality-of-life measures for depression, fatigue, and anxiety make this area of PASC one that warrants further attention.Disclosure: Ms. Fung has nothing to disclose. Rachel Kenney has nothing to disclose. Ms. Hyman has nothing to disclose. Azizi Seixas has nothing to disclose. Girardin Jean-Louis has nothing to disclose. An immediate family member of Dr. Balcer has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as a Consultant for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Balcer has received personal compensation in the range of $50,000-$99,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. Dr. Thawani has nothing to disclose. ER -