TY - T1的邻居剥夺和多基因对急性缺血性中风的贡献:我们研究项目的结果(S49.007) JF -神经学乔-神经学做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000202793六世- 100 - 17补充2 SP - 2777 AU - Cyprien河AU -朱利安·阿科斯塔盟Daniela Renedo AU -托马斯·吉尔盟-凯文Sheth AU -圭多要求Y1 - 2023/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/17_Supplement_2/2777.abstract N2首页 -目的:我们假设社区剥夺,地理指标,抓住一些健康问题社会决定因素,修改遗传变异的影响在急性缺血性中风的风险(AIS)。背景:健康问题社会决定因素之间的交互和遗传风险因子与AIS是知之甚少。设计/方法:我们在我们所有人进行了横断面研究,大量人口研究,旨在招收一百万名美国人。我们确定AIS情况下使用观测合作医疗结果代码。我们使用的评估社区剥夺剥夺指数,一个聚合变量来自六个美国社区调查指标分为tertiles。建模的多基因的贡献通过多基因风险评分,包括AIS 530种已知遗传代谢疾病风险因素的风险变异。我们使用多变量逻辑回归模型AIS可能剥夺作为社区的函数和多基因风险,使用产品条款为交互测试,并调整了年龄、性别和种族。结果:目前登记的372397名参与者在我们所有人,147492年可用遗传和剥夺指数数据;其中,3201例(2.2%)有中风。附近的剥夺和多基因风险评分分别与AIS相关(术中;0.05)。我们发现一个重要的互动社区贫困和多基因风险互动(p = 0.02):多基因风险评分明显与AIS的可能性在最贫困的地区(或1.08,95%可信区间1.02 - -1.15;p = 0.01),但不是中度和高度与AIS的贫困地区(p> 0.05)。Conclusions: Among study participants enrolled in All of Us, those living in areas of low neighborhood deprivation were more susceptible to the effects of polygenic variation. It is possible that social determinants of health associated with a higher likelihood of AIS dilute the contribution of genetic risk factors.Disclosure: Dr. Rivier has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Pyxis Partners. Dr. Acosta has nothing to disclose. Dr. Renedo has nothing to disclose. Thomas Gill has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sheth has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Ceribell. Dr. Sheth has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Zoll. Dr. Sheth has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for NControl. Dr. Sheth has received stock or an ownership interest from Astrocyte. Dr. Sheth has received stock or an ownership interest from Alva. The institution of Dr. Sheth has received research support from Biogen. The institution of Dr. Sheth has received research support from Novartis. The institution of Dr. Sheth has received research support from Bard. The institution of Dr. Sheth has received research support from Hyperfine. Dr. Sheth has received intellectual property interests from a discovery or technology relating to health care. The institution of Dr. Falcone has received research support from NIH. The institution of Dr. Falcone has received research support from AHA. ER -