TY - T1的结构化早期先进优质的神经胶质瘤患者的护理计划的结果(S17.006) JF -神经学乔-神经学做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000203293六世- 100 - 17补充2 SP - 3477 AU - Meredith Pescatello盟Nimish Mohile AU -珍妮弗Serventi盟Bethann塞耶斯盟-杰奎琳贝洱盟飞碟双多向冠军和亚军,卷边盟——莎拉哈迪Y1 - 2023/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/17_Supplement_2/3477.abstract N2 -目的:评估的影响首页将结构化早期高级保健计划(SEACP)集成到照顾患者恶性神经胶质瘤(毫克)。背景:SEACP利用率低下是在癌症和MG由于预后的关键,进行性认知障碍和病人自主权。设计/方法:供应商进行培训和使用检查清单进行SEACP访问,包括病人和照顾者。我们执行一个IRB-approved回顾性分析40 SEACP访问2年以上。我们回顾了文档的SEACP坚持临终质量度量和评估影响(EOLQM)和先进的保健计划(ACP)文档。卡方检验和t用于比较结果发表pre-SEACP队列从我们的机构。定性数据对于患者和提供者使用主题内容分析的经验进行了分析。结果:所有SEACP访问由先进实践提供者或注册护士。54%是tele-visits。讨论的主题包括:存在问题(85%)、ACP文档(81%),临床问题(77%),和病人价值(74%)。病人完成SEACP (n = 40)比患者更可能ACP记录pre-SEACP队列(85% vs . 44%;术;0.05),完成机场核心计划文档本身而不是通过一个代理(81% vs . 55.0%; p<.01) and higher hospice enrollment > 7 days before death (89% vs. 70.0%; p<.05). Evaluation of qualitative data revealed that 100% of patients found SEACP to be helpful in decision making. 75% of caregivers agreed that “I understand my loved one’s illness better after this visit” and 100% of providers agreed SEACP “improved understanding of patient wishes.”Conclusions: Our findings suggest that SEACP is effectively performed by non-physician providers and by telemedicine. SEACP improved ACP documentation, patient involvement in ACP decisions and EOLQM while creating a forum to discuss end of life concerns. Patients, caregivers and providers all viewed SEACP positively.Disclosure: Mrs. Pescatello has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mohile has nothing to disclose. Ms. Serventi has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Novocure. Mrs. Sayers has nothing to disclose. Mrs. Behr has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hemminger has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hardy has received research support from Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience. ER -