RT期刊文章SR电子T1筛查的可行性在门诊中风保健食品不安全设置(p6 - 9.004)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 4062 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000203717签证官100 17补充2 A1 (Maha Almohamad A1达尼亚Mofleh A1乐果Altema-Johnson A1玛利亚姆艾哈迈德A1约瑟夫薯条A1 Munachi Okpala A1奥黛丽科恩A1达芙妮埃尔南德斯A1 Anjail Sharrief年2023 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/17_Supplement_2/4062.abstract AB目的:首页评估食品不安全的可行性(FI)筛查和普遍存在的其他健康问题社会决定因素(SDOH)与FI中风幸存者参加门诊访问中中风预防教育和临床程序的转换。背景:FI,定义为有限的或不确定的获得足够的食物由于经济困难和社会条件,是一个SDOH导致健康饮食障碍。中风幸存者FI有更高的风险患复发性中风事件。FI筛查可能帮助确定病人需要访问食物资源作为一项预防措施,以减少中风复发。设计/方法:横断面设计。患者最初的远程医疗,或者面对面的诊所访问筛选使用2-item饥饿至关重要的规模之间通过电子和纸质自我报告调查7月1日2月31日,2021年。多变量逻辑回归检验协会SDOH和FI之间。结果:476名中风患者在中风诊所,415(87.2%)调查;258年电子(62.2%)和157年(37.8%)纸质。总体而言,13.9%的患者经历了FI和更高的FI观察患病率相比那些完成纸质电子调查(21.4%比9.9%,P = 0.002)。更多黑人患者(36.5%)FI报道相比,白人(21.1%)和西班牙裔(30.8%)患者(P < 0.05)。 Those who reported disability or unemployment had higher rates of FI compared to employed and retired patients (P=0.000). Black patients had higher odds of reporting FI compared to White patients (AOR=3.02, 95% CI: 1.04; 8.79).Conclusions: FI screening is feasible. FI is more prominent in the current sample of stroke survivors compared to the national average. SDOH prevalent characteristics, Black and unemployed patients, align with the literature on structural disparities affecting communities. The results provide information needed to create a social-risk informed index that can be used to target care in stroke survivors.Disclosure: Ms. Almohamad has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mofleh has nothing to disclose. Prof. Altema-Johnson has nothing to disclose. Ms. Ahmed has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fries has nothing to disclose. Ms. Okpala has nothing to disclose. Ms. Cohen has nothing to disclose. Prof. Hernandez has nothing to disclose. The institution of Dr. Sharrief has received research support from NIH. The institution of Dr. Sharrief has received research support from University of Houston . Dr. Sharrief has a non-compensated relationship as a Consultant with Abbot that is relevant to AAN interests or activities.