TY - T1的性激素和降钙素相关基因肽与偏头痛女性JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e1825 LP - e1835做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000207114六世- 100 - 17盟比安卡Raffaelli盟——伊丽莎白•斯托奇盟——卢卡斯•Overeem AU -玛丽亚Terhart盟苧藁增二宝琳Fitzek AU -克里斯汀索菲娅兰格盟乌维路透社Y1 - 2023/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/17/e1825.abstract N2 -背景和目标性激素可能调节降钙素相关基因肽(CGRP怎样)释首页放trigeminovascular系统。我们研究CGRP怎样浓度在等离子体和撕裂流体与情景性偏头痛女性参与者(EM)和常规月经周期(RMC),女性参与者与EM和联合口服避孕药(COC),和女性参与者与绝经后期的新兴市场。相应控制,我们分析3组的同龄女性参与者没有与一个RMC EM.Methods参与者2访问:月经期间月经周期一天2±2和periovulatory 13±2天。参与者在COC检查无激素的4±2天时间间隔(高频感应)和7天至14激素摄入(你好)。绝经后参与者评估在一个随机时间点。等离子体和流体样本收集每一次访问太阳系时,以ELISA CGRP怎样水平的测定。结果共有180名女性参与者每组(n = 30)完成这项研究。参与者与偏头痛和RMC显示统计上显著高于CGRP怎样在等离子体浓度,月经期间流体相比,女性参与者没有偏头痛(等离子体:5.95 pg / mL (IQR 4.37 - -10.44)和4.61 pg / mL差2.83 - -6.92,p = 0.020 (Mann-Whitney U测试);撕裂流体:1.20 ng / mL (IQR 0.36 - -2.52)和0.4 ng / mL差0.14 - -1.22,p = 0.005 [Mann-Whitney U测试])。相比之下,女性参与者和COC的绝经后期有类似CGRP怎样在偏头痛患者与对照组水平。 In migraine participants with an RMC, tear fluid but not plasma CGRP concentrations during menstruation were statistically significantly higher compared with migraine participants under COC (p = 0.015 vs HFI and p = 0.029 vs HI, Mann-Whitney U test).Discussion Different sex hormone profiles may influence CGRP concentrations in people, with current or past capacity to menstruate, with migraine. Measurement of CGRP in tear fluid was feasible and warrants further investigation.C-COC=without EM–treatment with a COC; CGRP=calcitonin gene-related peptide; COC=combined oral contraceptive; C-PM=without EM–postmenopause; C-RMC=without EM–regular menstrual cycle; EM=episodic migraine; FSH=follicle-stimulating hormone; HFI=hormone-free interval; HI=hormone intake; IQR=interquartile range; LH=luteinizing hormone; M-COC=with EM–treatment with a COC; M-PM=with EM–postmenopause; M-RMC=with EM–regular menstrual cycle ER -