图片制作首页: Bent spine syndrome as an early presentation of late-onset Pompe disease JF - Neurology JO - Neurology SP - S93 LP - S94 DO - 10.1212/WNL.0000000000206953 VL - 100 IS - 16 Supplement 1 AU - Francesca Magrinelli AU - Michele Tosi AU - Paola Tonin Y1 - 2023/04/18 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/16_Supplement_1/S93.abstract N2 - Bent spine syndrome (BSS), an abnormal trunk anteroflexion of at least 45° that increases during walking and abates in supine position, is described in parkinsonism and myopathies.1 We report a 56-year-old man with genetically proven late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) showing BSS (figure 1 and video 1 at Neurology.org).他抱怨轴弱逐步迫使他从20多岁起向后伸展双臂全体肌肉MRI显出严重脂肪替换朗巴寄生虫(图2)和liopsoas肌肉周期酸-Schiff-阳性真空和减酸-glucosidase活动在肌肉活性测试中显示lubr超市是LOPD的典型特征,其他树干异常可能在疾病初期出现LOPD必须包含BSS2ER差分诊断