RT期刊文章SR电子T1白质微结构的变化超过3年的人,没有中风摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP e1664 OP e1672 10.1212 / WNL。首页100签证官0000000000207065是16 A1纳塔莉亚Egorova-Brumley A1 Thijs Dhollander A1 Wasim汗A1 Mohamed Salah Khlif A1蒂娜Ebaid A1艾米Brodtmann年2023 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100首页/16/e1664.abstract AB背景和目标脑白质的健康可以通过MRI-derived指数估计微观结构。白质功能障碍越来越被认为是一个贡献者神经退行性疾病影响卒中后认知和功能的结果。白质微结构指数减少了横向比较与stroke-free参与者相比,中风幸存者,但纵向卒中后白质结构的变化在很大程度上仍未知。我们旨在描述脑白质微观和宏观结构对卒中后3年和研究协会与白质指标和认知功能。方法首次或复发性缺血性中风患者的病因在任何血管领土比较stroke-free年龄,sex-matched控制。那些患有出血性中风、TIA、静脉梗塞,或者重要医学并存病,精神病学和神经退行性疾病,药物滥用或痴呆的历史被排除在外。Diffusion-weighted MRI数据3、12和使用纵向fixel-based分析分析了36个月,敏感的体素内纤维tract-specific差异。它被用来检查全脑白质变性与控制相比,中风的参与者。我们研究微观结构差异,纤维密度和macrostructural纤维束截面的变化,与认知能力。 Analyses were performed controlling for age, intracranial volume, and education (family-wise error–corrected p < 0.05, nonparametric testing over 5,000 permutations).Results We included 71 participants with stroke (age 66 ± 12 years, 22 women) and 36 controls (age 69 ± 5 years, 13 women). We observed extensive white matter structural degeneration across the whole brain, particularly affecting the thalamic, cerebellar, striatal, and superior longitudinal tracts and corpus callosum. Importantly, follow-up regression analyses in 72 predefined tracts showed that the decline in fiber density and cross-section from 3 months to 3 years was associated with worse cognitive performance at 3 years after stroke, especially affecting visuospatial processing, processing speed, language, and recognition memory.Discussion We conclude that white matter neurodegeneration in ipsi- and contralesional thalamic, striatal, and cerebellar tracts continues to be greater in stroke survivors compared with stroke-free controls. White matter degeneration persists even years after stroke and is associated with poststroke cognitive impairment.Trial Registration Information ClinicalTrails.gov NCT02205424.CANVAS=Cognition and Neocortical Volume After Stroke; FBA=fixel-based analysis; FC=fiber cross-section; FD=fiber density; FDR=false discovery rate; FLAIR=fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; FOD=fiber orientation distribution; NIHSS=NIH Stroke Scale; SS3T-CSD=single-shell 3-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution; TE=echo time; TIV=total intracranial volume; TR=time of repetition; WMH=white matter hyperintensity