TY -的T1神经胶质瘤患者的抗癫痫药物三联疗法的有效性与难治性癫痫JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e1488 LP - e1496做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000206852六世- 100 - 14 AU - Pim b·范德梅尔盟琳达小说非盟-玛塔Fiocco盟Maaike j . Vos盟马蒂尔德蔡玫Kouwenhoven AU -马丁j . van den弯曲AU -马丁J.B. Taphoorn盟Johan自动跟踪Koekkoek Y1 - 2023/04/04 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/14/e1488.abstract N2 -背景和目标大约10%的神经胶质瘤患者癫痫需要抗癫痫首页药物(ASM)三联疗法由于难治性癫痫。本研究的目的是评估是否levetiracetam结合丙戊酸和clobazam (LEV + VPA + CLB),经常开三联疗法,有良好的效果相比其他三联疗法组合神经胶质瘤患者。这是一个多中心回顾性观察性队列研究的方法。主要结果是时间的累积发生率治疗失败的原因,从一开始的ASM三联疗法治疗。二级结果包括累积发生率如下:(1)由于不受控制的癫痫治疗失败时间;(2)治疗失败时间由于副作用;和(3)反复发作的时间。随访的最大持续时间36个月。结果1435名患者在最初的队列中,90名患者接受ASM三联疗法后二线ASM由于不受控制的癫痫治疗失败。列弗+ VPA + CLB规定到48%(43/90)和其他ASM三联疗法(47/90)的患者的52%。 The cumulative incidence of treatment failure for any reason of LEV + VPA + CLB did not statistically significantly differ from that of other ASM triple therapy combinations (12 months: 47% [95% CI 31%–62%] vs 42% [95% CI 27%–56%], p = 0.892). No statistically significant differences for treatment failure due to uncontrolled seizures (12 months: 12% [95% CI 4%–25%] vs 18% [95% CI 8%–30%], p = 0.445), adverse effects (12 months: 22% [95% CI 11%–36%] vs 15% [95% CI 7%–27%], p = 0.446), or recurrent seizures (1 month: 65% [95% CI 48%–78%] vs 63% [95% CI 47%–75%], p = 0.911) were found.Discussion LEV + VPA + CLB might show equivalent effectiveness compared with other ASM triple therapy combinations in patients with glioma.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class III evidence that for patients with glioma with refractory epilepsy on triple therapy ASMs, LEV + VPA + CLB demonstrated similar effectiveness and tolerability compared with other ASM triple therapy combinations.ASM=antiseizure medication; BTRE=brain tumor–related epilepsy; CLB=clobazam; DDD=defined daily dosage; GABA=gamma aminobutyric acid; LCM=lacosamide; LEV=levetiracetam; PER=perampanel; VPA=valproic acid; WHO=World Health Organization ER -