RT杂志文章SR电子T1老年脑年龄和慢性卒中后失语严重程度JF神经学JO神经学FD Lippincott Williams & Wilkins SP e1166 OP e1176 DO 10.12首页12/WNL.0000000000201693VO 100 IS 11 A1 Natalie Busby A1 Janina Wilmskoetter A1 Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht A1 Chris Rorden A1 Rebecca Roth A1 Roger纽曼-诺伦德A1 Argye Elizabeth Hillis A1 Simon S. Keller A1 Christophe de Bezenac A1 Sigfus Kristinsson A1 Julius Fridriksson A1 Leonardo Bonilha YR 2023 UL http://n.neurology.首页org/content/100/11/e1166.abstract背景和目标老年人或中风损伤较大的人中风后慢性语言障碍通常更严重。然而,存在不明原因的差异,可能取决于病变以外的完整组织。脑年龄是一个新兴的概念,它部分地独立于实际年龄。大脑老化与健康老年人的认知能力下降有关;因此,我们旨在探讨卒中失语症与卒中失语症的关系。我们假设,脑老化是与慢性脑卒中后语言障碍相关的重要因素,超过了年龄和病变特征。这项队列研究回顾性评估了失语症语言康复预测结果临床试验(NCT03416738)的参与者,这些参与者是通过美国南卡罗来纳州的当地广告招募的。主要纳入标准为左半球卒中和慢性失语(卒中后≥12个月)。在完成6周的语言治疗之前,参与者完成了包括西方失语症电池修正(WAB-R)、费城命名测试(PNT)、金字塔和棕榈树测试(PPTT)和韦氏成人智力量表矩阵子测试在内的基线行为测试。 The PNT was repeated 1 month after therapy. We leveraged modern neuroimaging techniques to estimate brain age and computed a proportional difference between chronologic age and estimated brain age. Multiple linear regression models were used to evaluate the relationship between proportional brain age difference (PBAD) and behavior.Results Participants (N = 93, 58 males and 35 females, average age = 61 years) had estimated brain ages ranging from 14 years younger to 23 years older than chronologic age. Advanced brain age predicted performance on semantic tasks (PPTT) and language tasks (WAB-R). For participants with advanced brain aging (n = 47), treatment gains (improvement on the PNT) were independently predicted by PBAD (T = −2.0474, p = 0.0468, 9% of variance explained).Discussion Through the application of modern neuroimaging techniques, advanced brain aging was associated with aphasia severity and performance on semantic tasks. Notably, therapy outcome scores were also associated with PBAD, albeit only among participants with advanced brain aging. These findings corroborate the importance of brain age as a determinant of poststroke recovery and underscore the importance of personalized health factors in determining recovery trajectories, which should be considered during the planning or implementation of therapeutic interventions.TE=echo time; TI=inversion time; PBAD=proportional brain age difference; PNT=Philadelphia Naming Test; PPTT=Pyramids and Palm Trees Test; POLAR=Predicting Outcomes of Language Rehabilitation in Aphasia; TR=repetition time; WAB-AQ=Western Aphasia Battery–Aphasia Quotient; WAB-R=Western Aphasia Battery–Revised; WAIS=Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale