新诊断局灶性癫痫患者的情绪、焦虑障碍与自杀行为[j] - Neurology - JO - Neurology - SP - e1123 LP - e1134 DO - 10.1212/WNL.00000000002016首页71六世- 100 - 11盟——安德烈斯·m·Kanner AU -安妮塔·s . Saporta盟董h·金盟——约翰·j·巴里盟岩漠Altalib AU -希望Omotola盟娜塔莉Jette AU -特伦斯j . O ' brien盟盟悉达多Nadkarni旋律r . Winawer AU -迈克尔·斯珀林盟杰奎琳·a .法国AU -巴塞尔因车祸Abou-Khalil AU -布莱恩Alldredge盟玛蒂娜Bebin AU -格里高利·d·Cascino盟安德鲁·j·科尔AU -马克·j·库克盟卡米尔Detyniecki AU -奥林Devinsky AU -丹尼斯Dlugos AU -爱德华Faught AU -大卫·菲克AU -玛德琳字段非盟-巴里Gidal AU -迈克尔·盖尔芬德盟-西蒙·格林盟-乔纳森·j·哈尔福德盟谢丽尔上流社会的非盟-马努对冲基金盟Manisha g .福尔摩斯盟Reetta Kalviainen俊康盟盟- -帕维尔·克莱因盟-罗伯特·c·诺尔顿盟Kaarkuzhali•AU -鲁本Kuzniecky AU -帕特里克关颖珊盟-丹尼尔·h·洛温斯坦AU -劳拉马尔库塞盟Kimford j . tommeador一路AU -斯科特·明茨AU -希斯r . Pardoe盟-克里斯汀公园AU -帕特丽夏Penovich盟王妃k·辛格AU -欧内斯特·萨默维尔盟Charles A. Szabo AU - Jerzy P. Szaflarski AU - K. Liu Lin Thio AU - Eugen Trinka AU - Jorge G. Burneo AU - and the Human Epilepsy Project Y1 - 2023/03/14 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/11/e1123.abstract N2 - Background and Objectives Mood, anxiety disorders, and suicidality are more frequent in people with epilepsy than in the general population. Yet, their prevalence and the types of mood and anxiety disorders associated with suicidality at the time of the epilepsy diagnosis are not established. We sought to answer these questions in patients with newly diagnosed focal epilepsy and to assess their association with suicidal ideation and attempts.Methods The data were derived from the Human Epilepsy Project study. A total of 347 consecutive adults aged 18–60 years with newly diagnosed focal epilepsy were enrolled within 4 months of starting treatment. The types of mood and anxiety disorders were identified with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, whereas suicidal ideation (lifetime, current, active, and passive) and suicidal attempts (lifetime and current) were established with the Columbia Suicidality Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS). Statistical analyses included the t test, χ2 statistics, and logistic regression analyses.Results A total of 151 (43.5%) patients had a psychiatric diagnosis; 134 (38.6%) met the criteria for a mood and/or anxiety disorder, and 75 (21.6%) reported suicidal ideation with or without attempts. Mood (23.6%) and anxiety (27.4%) disorders had comparable prevalence rates, whereas both disorders occurred together in 43 patients (12.4%). Major depressive disorders (MDDs) had a slightly higher prevalence than bipolar disorders (BPDs) (9.5% vs 6.9%, respectively). Explanatory variables of suicidality included MDD, BPD, panic disorders, and agoraphobia, with BPD and panic disorders being the strongest variables, particularly for active suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts.Discussion In patients with newly diagnosed focal epilepsy, the prevalence of mood, anxiety disorders, and suicidality is higher than in the general population and comparable to those of patients with established epilepsy. Their recognition at the time of the initial epilepsy evaluation is of the essence.ASM=antiseizure medication; BPD=bipolar disorder; CSSRS=Columbia Suicidality Severity Rating Scale; MDD=major depressive disorder; MDE=major depressive episode; MINI=the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; SA=suicidal attempt; SI=suicidal ideation; PWE=people with epilepsy ER -