怀孕期间TY - T1的视神经炎Tdpa疫苗接种:报告两种情况。乔(P5.188) JF -首页神经-神经学六世- 88 - 16补充SP - P5.188盟何塞玛丽亚卡布瑞拉Maqueda AU - Baidez格雷罗州安娜酯非盟- Rocio埃尔南德斯克莱尔盟Fuentes鲁米卢纳AU -莫拉莱斯Ortiz安娜盟何塞台面式晶体管LALLANA AU -哈维尔·马丁·费尔南德斯Y1 - 2017/04/18 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P5.188.abstract N2 -目的:报告两例单侧视神经炎(上)破伤风类毒素,白喉类毒素、减少和百日咳疫苗(破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗)的孕妇。我们所知,这是第一个此类案件在文献中报道。背景:母体免疫是最有效和安全策略来降低婴儿发病率和死亡率百日咳感染,在许多国家,目前标准治疗。然而,广泛接种后中枢神经系统脱髓鞘综合症是暂时的与各种疫苗相关的管理。设计/方法:32岁,38岁的孕妇痛苦了一只眼视力模糊和色觉缺陷/ 2周后收到破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗疫苗在28岁,30周妊娠。结果:神经assement显示,影响眼睛视力降低相对瞳孔传入障碍,色觉缺陷和温和的视神经盘肿胀。大脑和轨道MRI显示只有单侧视神经hyperintensity。血清学和autoinmunity测试的。脑脊液分析正常,包括负寡克隆乐队。MOG抗体和AQP4-IgG血清学是负的。 The patient’s visual symptoms improved after treatment with steroids in a case and spontaneously in the other one.Conclusions: The commonest post-vaccination isolated CNS syndrome reported in the literature is acute ON. The symptoms of post-vaccination ON appear from a few days following the immunization to even up 5 months later. There is no absolute way to definitely link the onset or exacerbation of demyelination with the vaccine. However, the close temporal association and no alternative etiology identified argue in favour such pathogenic correlation. There exists no evidence to suggest an increased risk of incident acute ON, so that the overall health benefits of vaccination programs far outweigh any risks. Nevertheless, the presentation during pregnancy raises concern about the potential negative influence to the gestational outcome related to their disease or treatment.Disclosure: Dr. Cabrera Maqueda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ana Ester has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernandez Clares has nothing to disclose. Dr. Luna has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ana has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meca Lallana has nothing to disclose. Dr. Martín Fernández has nothing to disclose. ER -