Eva Bølling-Ladegaard % % 0期刊文章%朱莉Werenberg德雷尔%的Lars Vedel凯斯%一个Esben Budtz-Jørgensen Kasper Lolk % %的雅各布·克里斯滕森% T方向性的癫痫症和抑郁症之间的关系% B在全国范围内基于寄存器的队列研究% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2023%。0000000000201542 % J首页神经病学% P e932-e942 % V 100% N 9% X背景和目标癫痫症和抑郁症有着双向的关系;然而,它的大小和长期时间协会仍有待阐明。这项研究调查了大小和长期癫痫与抑郁症之间的联系,与这两种疾病的风险又一个慢性疾病(哮喘)。方法在全国范围内寄存器的匹配的队列研究中,我们发现所有人收到第一诊断为癫痫,抑郁,和哮喘从1980年1月1日至12月31日,2016年。我们使用Cox回归模型来估计癫痫后抑郁的风险,反之亦然,癫痫或抑郁后哮喘的风险,而健康的引用在年龄和性别匹配,调整医疗疾病,药物滥用,和日历时间。结果被癫痫亚型分层。我们进一步研究了录取的风险与癫痫急性发作的人变得消沉。导致人口8741955人,我们确定了139014人与癫痫诊断(54%的男性,平均年龄在43年(内部四分位范围(差)17 - 65年]),219990人患抑郁症(37%的男性,平均年龄在43年诊断[差29-60年]),和358821人患有哮喘诊断(49%的男性,平均年龄在29年[差6-56年])。患抑郁症的风险比(aHR)调整后癫痫为1.88 (95% CI 1.82 - -1.95),和癫痫后抑郁症的aHR是2.35 (95% CI 2.25 - -2.44)。后抑郁症的哮喘气道高反应性为1.63 (95% CI 1.59 - -1.67)和癫痫后哮喘、1.48 (95% CI 1.44 - -1.53)。 The risk of depression was highest in the few years preceding and after an epilepsy diagnosis, and vice versa, but remained elevated during the entire follow-up period for both directions of the association. There was no evidence of a stronger association with depression for any epilepsy subtype. Receiving a diagnosis of depression subsequent to an epilepsy diagnosis was associated with a 1.20-fold (95% CI 1.07–1.36) increased HR of acute hospital admission with seizures.Discussion We identified a long-term bidirectional relationship between depression and epilepsy in a large-scale cohort study. Risk estimates were higher than those of epilepsy or depression after asthma.aHR=adjusted HR; aOR=adjusted OR; CCI=Charlson comorbidity index; DCPR=Danish Central Psychiatric Register; DNPR=Danish National Patient Registry; HR=hazard ratio; ICD-8=International Classification of Diseases, eighth revision; ICD-10=International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision; OR=odds ratio; PPV=positive predictive value %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/100/9/e932.full.pdf