RT期刊文章SR电子T1纵向变化血液生物标志物临床阿尔茨海默病的一个混血人口样本摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP e874 OP e883 10.1212 / WNL。首页100签证官0000000000201289 8 A1 Kumar b . Rajan A1伊丽莎白·a·McAninch A1 Neelum t Aggarwal A1丽莎·l·巴恩斯A1罗伯特·s·威尔逊A1詹妮弗Weuve A1 Charles s . DeCarli A1丹尼斯·a·埃文斯年2023 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/8/e874.abstract A首页B背景和目标最近的研究表明,血液生物标志物检测的应用神经退行性疾病的变化。我们的研究的目的是测试假设的纵向变化总τ(t-tau),神经丝轻链(Nf-L)和胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)的发展与结构的MRI和相关临床阿尔茨海默病(AD)和认知能力下降。方法数据来自以人群为基础的样本血清浓度t-tau, Nf-L, GFAP和认知特征测量超过17年。这个调查的入选标准是基于参与者的血液样本,对广告认知功能测试和临床诊断。纵向变化的血清生物标志物检测对log10-transformed浓度使用线性混合模型。结果在1327名参与者(60%黑人参与者和60%女性,t-tau每年增加了4.8%的浓度(95% CI = 4.0 - -5.6)和Nf-L 5.9% (95% CI = 5.4 - -6.4)。纵向变化GFAP黑人参与者高于白人参与者(每年4.4%比3.5%,p = 0.028)。基线的MRI特点与血清生物标志物的纵向变化有关的临床广告。具体来说,更高的基线第三脑室体积与较高的t-tau的浓度的增加,和白质hyperintensities Nf-L预测更高速率的增加。浓度的变化率t-tau, Nf-L, GFAP在那些发达国家临床广告明显高于那些没有认知障碍。 For each standard deviation unit decline in global cognition, longitudinal change in t-tau increased by 81% (95% CI = 76–86), Nf-L by 113% (95% CI = 105–120), and GFAP by 66% (95% CI = 62–70).Discussion Blood biomarkers showed significant longitudinal changes corresponding to cognitive decline, clinical AD, and structural MRI characteristics. Our findings show that longitudinal changes in serum biomarkers were associated with several cognitive endophenotypes.Classification of Evidence The study found Class II evidence that longitudinal changes in serum t-tau, Nf-L, and GFAP were associated with cognitive decline and the development of clinical AD in people older than 65 years.AD=Alzheimer disease; GFAP=glial fibrillary acidic protein; Nf-L=neurofilament light chain; t-tau=total tau; WMH=white matter hyperintensities