RT期刊文章SR电子T1营养补充援助计划之间的联系使用和记忆衰退摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP e595 OP e602 10.1212 / WNL。首页100签证官0000000000201499是6 A1陆配宜A1卡特里娜Kezios A1 Jongseong李A1塞巴斯蒂安Calonico A1克里斯托弗·维姆·泽克A1艾迪娜Al Hazzouri年2023 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/100/6/e595.abstract AB背景首页和目标的影响研究营养补充援助计划(吸附)的认知健康老年人稀缺。我们试图检查临时使用之间的关联和记忆衰退SNAP-eligible我们老年人。方法50 +岁的参与者和SNAP-eligible 1996年从健康和退休研究包括在内。参与者的提前使用联邦标准资格了。参与者还自我报告他们是否使用。记忆功能评估每两年使用综合得分从1996年到2016年。占先前存在的临时用户和使用者之间的特征差异,我们快速的概率建模使用使用协变量人口和健康。使用线性mixed-effects模型,然后我们建模轨迹快速记忆功能的用户和使用者使用逆概率(IP)加权和倾向得分匹配(PS)技术。在所有的模型中,我们占研究摩擦。Results Of the 3,555 SNAP-eligible participants, a total of 15.7% were SNAP users. At baseline, SNAP users had lower socioeconomic status and a greater number of chronic conditions than nonusers and were more likely to be lost to follow-up. Our multivariable IP-weighted models suggested that SNAP users had worse memory scores at baseline but slower rates of memory decline compared with nonusers (the annual decline rate is −0.038 standardized units [95% CI = −0.044 to −0.032] for users and −0.046 [95% CI = −0.049 to −0.043] for nonusers). Results were slightly stronger from the PS-matched sample (N = 1,014) (the annual decline rate was −0.046 units [95% CI = −0.050 to −0.042] for users and −0.060 units [95% CI = −0.064 to −0.056] for nonusers). Put in other words, our findings suggested that SNAP users had approximately 2 fewer years of cognitive aging over a 10-year period compared with nonusers.Discussion After accounting for preexisting differences between eligible SNAP users and nonusers as well as differential attrition, we find SNAP use to be associated with slower memory function decline.FPL=federal poverty level; HS=high school; HRS=Health and Retirement Study; IP=inverse probability; IPAW=IP attrition weight; IPTW=IP of treatment weight; PS=propensity score; SNAP=Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program