% 0期刊文章%一个Jae-wook涌% So-Ryoung李% Eue-Keun崔% %汇金李% Sang-Hyeon公园一个崔JungMin % Minju汉% Hyo-Jeong安% Soonil Kwon % SeungWoo李% Kyungdo汉% Sunhwa金姆% Seil哦% Gregory黄懿慧唇% T累积酒精消费负担和中风的风险年轻人% B一个全国性的以人群为基础的研究% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2023%。0000000000201473 % J首页神经病学% P e505-e515 % V 100% N 5% X背景和客观的饮酒是一种重要的年轻人可改变的中风危险因素。饮酒的累计负担之间的关系及其对事件影响中风在年轻人中是未知的。我们旨在调查之间的关系累积酒精负担和中风的风险在年轻的成年人。方法使用数据从朝鲜国民健康保险服务数据库,患者20到39岁,接受连续4年2009年和2012年之间的健康检查,也包括在内。累计负担得分为中度到重度饮酒被分配评估得分1饮酒≥105 g /工作每年健康检查和计算4年(0 - 4)的总和。主要的结果是中风事件及其亚型,缺血性中风和出血性中风在随访期间。结果1 536 668的患者(平均年龄为29.5岁,男性71.5%,中位随访6年),153发生过中风(每1000人年发病率,0.37)。多变量调整后,酒精患者负担分数2,3,4,摄入超过105 g /周的酒精2,3,4年,表明更高的中风的风险(风险比[HR] 1.19, 95%可信区间1.05 - -1.34 2;3人力资源1.22,95%可信区间1.09 - -1.38;4人力资源1.23,95% CI 1.10 - -1.38)相比,那些负担得分为0。 This positive dose-response relationship was primarily driven by hemorrhagic rather than ischemic stroke. High alcohol burden scores (i.e., 2, 3, and 4) were significantly associated with higher risks for hemorrhagic stroke (HR 1.30, 95% CI 1.10–1.54 for 2; HR 1.42, 95% CI 1.21–1.67 for 3; HR 1.36, 95% CI 1.16–1.59 for 4) compared with a burden score of 0.Discussion Young adults who engaged in moderate-to-heavy drinking demonstrated a higher risk for incident stroke, especially hemorrhagic stroke. Reducing alcohol consumption should be emphasized in young adults with heavy drinking habits as part of any stroke prevention strategy.AF=atrial fibrillation; HR=hazard ratio; ICD-10-CM=International Classification of Diseases-Tenth Revision-Clinical Modification; IR=incidence rate; NHIS=National Health Insurance Service %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/100/5/e505.full.pdf