TY - T1的作者回应:微血管组织再灌注受损的患病率和意义尽管Macrovascular血管造影再灌注(无复流)JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 218 LP - 218 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000206787六世- 100 - 4 AU -费利克斯·c·Ng Y1 - 2023/01/24 UR - http://n.neurolog首页y.org/content/100/4/218.abstract N2 -我们感谢读者对我们的研究感兴趣。1方法论的差异可能占报告的无复流率的差异。用前瞻性试验数据判断后续灌注成像,我们评估了146 147(99%,1患者被排除在外,因为hemicraniectomy)患者TICI 2 c / 3血管造影再灌注,1只有25% (n = 51/203)被怪兽Schiphorst et al.2评估研究中这是很重要的,因为无复流之间的关系和糟糕的神经恢复(24小时署7(无复流)和2(没有无复流);p < 0.0001) may confer inherent selection bias in observational studies because patients with more severe symptoms, such as those with no-reflow, may be less likely to complete prolonged research MRIs and therefore be excluded from analysis. Despite intermodality differences, a recent study by Rosso et al. found a similar rate of hypoperfusion on arterial spin labeling among patients with complete recanalization (n = 34/140; 24.3%),3 compared with our analysis (25.3%) using perfusion-weighted imaging and CT perfusion.1 Rosso et al. added to the growing body of literature that demonstrates a remarkably consistent prevalence of no-reflow across imaging modalities (transcranial Doppler 27.9%,4 single-photon emission computed tomography 25%5), which is in support of the external validity of our results. ER -