% 0期刊文章%一个东西——手冢Sho Shimohama % % Takahata % Shogyoku面包%圭佑一Hajime Tabuchi %一个Morinobu塞其%一个Natsumi铃木Yuki Momota % %的彩花森本晃司% Yu Iwabuchi % Masahito日本久保田公司%山本Yasuharu % Yasunori佐Shikimoto % %一个代言一个祺Funaki %一个manuscript Nishimoto Yu Mimura % %一个建筑师良% Masahiro Jinzaki %一个学者Mimura金Nakahara % % Daisuke Ito % T淀粉样蛋白和τ宠物对变化的影响诊断和患者管理% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2023%。0000000000201389 % J首页神经病学% P e264-e274 % V 100% N 3% X先前的研究背景和目标评估诊断淀粉样宠物在选定研究人群的影响。然而,这些研究没有评估的临床影响淀粉样蛋白的结合和τ的宠物。我们的目的是评估协会2宠物的组合变化的诊断、治疗和管理记忆诊所队列。方法所有的参与者进行了淀粉样蛋白[18 f] florbetaben宠物和τ宠物使用[18 f]π- 2620或[18 f] Florzolotau,这可能是有用的(广告)tauopathies non-Alzheimer的诊断疾病。老年痴呆症专家确定预处理和post-PET诊断,存在于一个临床综合征(认知正常[CN],轻度认知障碍(MCI)和痴呆)和可疑病因,置信水平。此外,老年痴呆症专家决定病人治疗的辅助调查和管理。结果在126注册参与者中,84.9%完成了研究过程和被包含在分析(CN [n = 40], MCI (n = 25),广告(n = 20)和non-AD痴呆[n = 22])。病原学的诊断改变了CN在25.0%,与痴呆MCI的68.0%,23.8%。预处理和post-PET之间整体管理的变化发生在5.0%的CN, MCI的52.0%,和38.1%的痴呆症。Logistic回归分析显示,τ宠物具有较强的关联与变更管理比淀粉样宠物所有的参与者和痴呆组。Discussion The combination of amyloid and tau PETs was associated with changes in management and diagnosis of MCI and dementia, and the second-generation tau PET has a strong impact on the changes in diagnosis and management in memory clinics.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class I evidence that the combination of amyloid and tau PETs was associated with changes in management and diagnosis of MCI and dementia.4R=4-repeat; Aβ=β-amyloid; AD=Alzheimer disease; ANOVA=analysis of variance; CBD=corticobasal degeneration; CBS=corticobasal syndrome; CDR=Clinical Dementia Rating; CI=cognitively impaired participants; CN=cognitive normal; FBB=florbetaben; FDA=US Food and Drug Administration; FTLD=frontotemporal lobar degeneration; GDS=Geriatric Depression Scale; GMP=good manufacturing practices; IDEAS=Imaging Dementia-Evidence for Amyloid Scanning; MCI=mild cognitive impairment; MMSE=Mini-Mental State Examination; PSP=progressive supranuclear palsy; SUVR=standardized uptake value ratios; TBI=traumatic brain injury %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/100/3/e264.full.pdf