% 0期刊文章%一个赛义德·艾哈迈德·Sajjadi %赛义德·布哈里%齐亚娜A Scambray %一个克劳迪娅川瑞燕% % Thomas j . Montine %玛丽亚·m·Corrada % T边缘的影响和风险因素主要与年龄相关的TDP-43脑病Neuropathologic变化在一个长寿老人的群组% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2023%。0000000000201345 % J首页神经病学% P e203-e210 % V 100% N 2% X背景和目标边缘主要与年龄相关的焦油DNA结合蛋白43 (TDP-43)脑病neuropathologic (LATE-NC)是一种普遍的退行性改变的病理长寿老人的人口中增长最快的部分是谁的痴呆率最高。我们旨在确定LATE-NC和认知障碍之间的关系,确定其潜在风险因素通过研究其与常见的关系过去病史长寿老人的队列。方法从90 +研究参与者包括纵向评估和解剖数据。痴呆状态和损伤5主要认知领域是在死后的会议上决定利用所有临床和神经心理学忽视neuropathologic诊断数据。病史信息获得病人和他们的告密者。LATE-NC和阿尔茨海默病neuropathologic变化(ADNC)被认为是存在于那些TDP-43海马的病理学和/或大脑皮层和那些高的可能性根据NIA-AA ADNC指南,分别。我们检查了协会的退行性疾病认知结果和多个comparisons-adjusted病史与LATE-NC变量关系和使用逻辑回归ADNC调整的死亡年龄,性别和教育。结果三百二十八名参与者被纳入本研究。LATE-NC出现在32%的参与者。它有一个重要的协会与痴呆的存在(或2.8,95% CI 1.7 - -4.6)和障碍在内存中(或3.0,95% CI 1.8 - -5.1)、语言(或2.6,95% CI 1.6 - -4.3)和方向(或3.5,95%可信区间2.1 - -5.9)。协会LATE-NC受损的取向是独一无二的,和其他的力量和意义关联ADNC可比。 Furthermore, we found that history of osteoarthritis (OR 0.37, adjusted 95% CI 0.21–0.66) and hypertension (OR 0.52, adjusted 95% CI 0.28–0.98) were associated with a reduced likelihood of LATE-NC, but not ADNC.Discussion Our results suggest that LATE-NC is a prevalent degenerative pathology in the oldest-old and has significant associations with dementia and impairment in cognitive domains with magnitudes that are comparable to ADNC. We also found that past medical histories of hypertension and osteoarthritis were associated with a lower likelihood of LATE-NC. This might help identify upstream mechanisms leading to this important pathology.ADNC=Alzheimer disease neuropathologic change; CAA=cerebral amyloid angiopathy; FTD=frontotemporal dementia; HS=hippocampal sclerosis of aging; LATE=limbic predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy; LATE-NC=LATE neuropathologic change; LWCS=Leisure World Cohort Study; MMSE=Mini Mental State Examination; MVL=microvascular lesion; TDP-43=TAR DNA binding protein 43; UC=University of California %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/100/2/e203.full.pdf