PT -期刊文章盟Heather永盟-卡洛斯Camara-Lemarroy盟卡塔洋Alikhani TI -神经疾病呈现Psuedotumoral脑干质量:一个案例报告援助——wnl.0000903288.32799 10.1212/01.。e2 DP - 2022年12月05 TA -神经首页病学PG - S33 S33 VI - 99 IP - 23补充2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2022 12月05;99 AB -目标,我们提出一个罕见的和神经疾病的诊断上具有挑战性的情况下(NBD)展现作为psuedotumoral脑干质量。背景Psuedotumoral-NBD遗传病的神经系统表现的疾病是罕见的。成像的特点是似的质量病灶增强对比度,hyperintense t2加权和fluid-attenuated反转恢复(天赋)和显示限制扩散。微分包含胶质病变,淋巴瘤,传染病和肉芽肿病变。设计/方法这是一个案例研究的33岁男性西非裔遗传病疾病的历史。结果33岁男性西非裔遗传病疾病的历史,提出两年后他的诊断头痛、低烧、生殖器溃疡,和水平的双眼复视。成像显示一个大右侧T2 /天赋hyperintense异常的髓质坏死的中心区域。脑脊液显示lymphocytic-predominant脑脊液细胞增多与11·106细胞/ L(参考范围0 - 5)和白细胞介素- 6的高水平。他的血管炎、传染性、多种、流式细胞术、自体免疫面板是负的。 He tested positive for hepatitis-B core antigen, and latent tuberculosis. The etiology for his presentation was believed to be parenchymal NBD and he received a 3-day course of intravenous solumedrol (eventually transitioned to prednisone and azathioprine) with significant improvement. Imaging 1-week post-treatment revealed resolution of enhancement, and at 3 months he had near complete lesion resolution.Conclusions NBD can rarely present with a psuedotumoral presentation, which can cause diagnostic uncertainty. A thorough radiologic/laboratory workup should be conducted to exclude other neurologic diagnoses; however, a high index of suspicion for NBD is required in similar cases and a spectacular response to steroids are invaluable in diagnosis.