TY - T1的主动免疫对NMDA NR1分子模型的自身免疫性脑炎JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S59 LP - S59做wnl.0000903468.46642 10.1212/01.。首页e8六世- 99 - 23补充2盟恩典Jachimiec涅—Jalali Motlagh盟盟-到-林致中盟Enrico Kuellenberg AU -耶稣Planaguma盟Gregory Wojtkiewicz AU -约翰陈盟珍妮Linnoila Y1 - 2022/12/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/23_Supplement_2/S59.1.abstract N2 -目标识别和开发最优主动免疫诱导方法首页NMDAR脑炎在啮齿动物。背景脑炎是一个毁灭性的神经障碍,高发病率和死亡率。很多情况下是自身免疫性。N-Methyl-D-aspartic酸受体(NMDAR)脑炎(NMDARE),特点是抗体NMDAR在病人的血液和脊髓液,是最常见的自身免疫性脑炎(AE)。NMDARE的平移啮齿动物模型深入研究将允许AE病理生理学,导致进步这种衰弱性神经精神疾病的诊断和治疗。设计/方法7-week-old女性C57BL / 6 j小鼠皮下注射完全弗氏佐剂的乳剂,减毒结核分枝杆菌(结核病),和一个30氨基酸肽侧翼NMDAR NR1分子N368 / G369残留的目标NMDARE患者的抗体。三种不同诱导方法测试了不同的数量和注射方法百日咳毒素,皮下注射部位,reimmunization,大量的结核病。老鼠两周一次的流血,牺牲在2,4,6,8,14周。血清和CSF NMDAR抗体效价;鼠标行为; hippocampal NMDAR protein and cluster density; and brain immune cell entry and cytokine content were examined.Results Immunized mice had serum and CSF NMDAR antibodies. Mice exhibited behavioral changes, altered hippocampal NMDAR protein, brain immune cell entry, and elevated cytokines in their brains. Titers were higher and changes were sustained in reimmunized mice.Conclusions Active immunization against the portion of the NMDAR targeted in patients with NMDARE resulted in robust production of NMDAR antibodies in the blood and spinal fluid, changes in hippocampal NMDAR protein, elevations in brain immune cells and cytokines, and behavioral changes in mice. Reimmunization was needed to sustain the responses. Active immunization therefore holds potential as a translational model of NMDARE, allowing for the creation of a novel generation of diagnostics and therapeutics. ER -