TY -的T1 -自身免疫性脑炎误诊:回顾报告病例的一项价值LP美金JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP -一项价值做美金————wnl.0000903604.96861 10首页.1212/01.。fa六世- 99 - 23补充2非盟-玛丽亚Daniela奥雷利亚纳摩尔诺盟-格雷戈里天盟伊利亚Sechi AU -阿方索洛佩兹Y1 - 2022/12/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/23_Supplement_2/S75.1.abstract N首页2 -目标识别自身免疫性脑炎(AE)模拟和临床特征的文献报道。背景最近的证据表明AE一样频繁的传染性脑炎增加了意识和检测免疫介导的神经损伤的原因。与这一主题相一致,几个出版物都集中在患者被诊断为AE最初被忽视。相反,AE仍然是一个罕见的诊断在临床实践中,开放的可能性症状,标志,和测试结果与其他病因是AE误认的。设计/方法案例报告发表在PubMed在英文综述了04/2022。疑似病例在AE显然是谁的诊断检查期间或误诊包括在内。结果共有四十五最终诊断患者不同于AE包括从40报告。平均年龄是52岁(范围5 - 86)年;30/45(67%)是男性。28例实现可能的标准AE(62%)、五定AE (11%), 12 (27%)。特征暗示AE急性/亚急性改变精神状态(从异常行为到昏迷),(82%); new-onset refractory status epilepticus, (7%); CSF pleocytosis (42%) or oligoclonal bands (9%), and apparent response to immunotherapy (38%). In 26 cases, imaging corresponded to the anatomical classification of limbic encephalitis, 15 had one or more cortical/subcortical T2-abnormalities, one meningeal involvement, one brainstem involvement, and two had normal MRI. In 12 patients, clinically not relevant neural autoantibodies were detected in serum and/or CSF, including GAD, Anti-Zic4, CASPR2, VGKC, anti-N-type calcium channel antibody, anti-LGI1, and GQ1B. We identified four common AE mimic categories: neoplasms (15 patients), infectious diseases (9 patients), genetic diseases (9 patients), and neurodegenerative diseases (7 patients). Five patients had other etiologies.Conclusions Despite well-defined clinical diagnostic criteria, the misdiagnosis of AE encompasses atypical presentation of common disorders and less likely rare diagnoses. ER -