PT -期刊文章AU -亚历克Giakas盟-悉尼获得非盟-约翰华忻办公盟Hollie爱德华兹TI -斜视眼阵挛肌阵挛综合征和室上性心动过速的儿科病人:病例报告和文献回顾援助——10.1212/01. wnl.0000903516.29674.61 DP - 2022年12月05 TA -神经病学PG - S64 S64 VI - 99 IP - 23补充2 4099 - // 4100 - //首页ent/99/23_Supplement_2/S64.2.full所以Neurology2022 12月05;99 AB -客观NA。背景斜视眼阵挛肌阵挛综合征(OMS)是一种罕见的儿童运动障碍常与一个潜在的神经母细胞瘤。在其他情况下,人们认为肿瘤是神秘或有另一个刺激诱发的事件。4标准的诊断是很困难的,需要3:斜视眼阵挛或眼颤振,肌阵挛或共济失调、行为或睡眠障碍和神经母细胞瘤。提示治疗OMS预防永久性神经系统后遗症是至关重要的。为了更好地描述这种综合症的临床资料及其相关的条件下,我们提出一个病例报告的9个月大的雄性与奥玛仕没有一个相关的神经母细胞瘤和新发生室上性心动过速(SVT)并回顾相关的文献。设计/方法NA。结果9个男性过去病史的巨头,张力减退,发育迟缓了异常的眼睛和身体动作开始前一个月。由于关心OMS,病人接受了一个广泛的初始检查包括CT的脖子,胸部、腹部、骨盆和VHA /协会水平,这都是在正常范围内。病人的脊髓液显示没有证据表明多种,自身免疫、感染过程。 Per neurology recommendations, the patient was started on IVIG and dexamethasone. After his first IVIG infusion, the patient's abnormal movements worsened, and his heart rate increased into the 300s. The IVIG was discontinued. However, the patient continued to have recurring bouts of SVT, which was eventually controlled with digoxin. After resuming treatment with IVIG and dexamethasone, the patient's opsoclonus myoclonus symptoms began to improve. All additional metabolic labs resulted normal and the patient was discharged.Conclusions Because OMS can cause permanent developmental delay, prompt recognition and treatment of this syndrome is necessary. This is a unique case of OMAS without neuroblastoma, associated with recurrent bouts of SVT. Recognizing rare complications of OMS is crucial to improving medical management of its sequelae.