@article {Liptone1905作者={理查德·b·利普顿和大卫·w·戈德比Dodick和Peter j .和Rami Burstein奥布里·m·亚当斯和杰夫赖唱Yun Yu米歇尔·芬尼根和旷艾米·w·乔尔·m·Trugman}, title = {Ubrogepant的功效与轻微的疼痛和偏头痛的急性治疗中度或重度疼痛},体积={99}={17},页面= {e1905——e1915} = {2022}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000201031}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目标检查ubrogepant治疗偏头痛的疗效与轻度和中度或严重的疼痛。首页方法这是一个3级、非盲、dose-blinded, 52周扩展试验。成人偏头痛被随机分配比(常规治疗、ubrogepant 50毫克或ubrogepant 100毫克)。参与者对待8偏头痛发作的疼痛强度每4周。功效的结果(包括仅为ubrogepant收集)2小时疼痛自由(2高通滤波器),自由相关的症状,和残疾。广义线性混合模型与二项分布和分对数链接功能是用来评估基线疼痛强度的影响在这事后分析治疗结果。结果从808年19291事件参与者的数据包括在内。2高通滤波器率更高的攻击当疼痛治疗轻度和中度或严重:ubrogepant 50毫克(47.1 vs 23.6 \ \ % %;优势比2.89 [95 \ % CI] [2.57 {\ textendash} 3.24])和ubrogepant 100毫克(55.2 vs 26.1 \ \ % %;3.50 (3.12 {\ textendash} 3.92);p \ < 0.0001剂量)。自由的利率从畏光、声音恐惧症和恶心在治疗后2小时也明显高于轻度和中度或严重的疼痛治疗后(p \ < 0.001所有症状,包括剂量)。 At 2 hours, the proportion of attacks with normal function was more than double for both doses of ubrogepant (p \< 0.001). The most common adverse event was upper respiratory tract infection (\~{}11\% both doses). Serious adverse events were reported by 2\% in ubrogepant 50 mg and 3\% in ubrogepant 100 mg.Discussion Relative to treatment of attacks with moderate or severe pain, treatment with ubrogepant during mild pain resulted in significantly higher rates of freedom from pain, freedom from associated symptoms, and achieving normal function 2 hours after administration.Trial Registration Information ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02873221.Classification of Evidence This trial provides Class III evidence that treatment of migraine with ubrogepant when pain is mild vs moderate or severe increases the likelihood of achieving pain freedom, absence of symptoms, and normal function within 2 hours postdose.ICH=International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use; MOH=medication overuse headache; OR=odds ratio; TEAE=treatment-emergent adverse event}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/17/e1905}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/17/e1905.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }