TY - T1的睡眠模式的改变在COVID-19封锁嗜睡症,患者原发性嗜睡和不宁腿综合症摩根富林明——神经学乔-神经病学SP - e1475 LP - - 10.1212 / WNL e1485做。首页0000000000200907六世- 99 - 14 AU -露西Barateau盟Sofiene Chenini盟——安娜劳拉Rassu AU -克莱尔·丹尼斯盟昆汀Lorber盟Cloe Dhalluin盟里吉斯·洛佩兹盟- Isabelle Jaussent盟Severine Beziat AU -伊夫Dauvilliers Y1 - 2022/10/04 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/14/e1475.abstract N2 -背景和目标探索第一冠状病毒病2019 (C首页OVID-19)封锁影响睡眠症状患者嗜睡症,特发性嗜睡(IH),和不宁腿综合症(RLS)。方法2020年3月至5月之间的成人患者定期随访参考样本医院睡眠单元(IH 299嗜睡症,260,和254年与RLS)提供了一个在线调查评估他们的睡眠习惯,日常活动,药物摄入量,和验证量表:国际RLS研究小组调查问卷,嗜睡症严重程度量表(NSS), IH严重程度量表(ihs),埃普沃思嗜睡量表(ESS),失眠严重程度指数、贝克抑郁Inventory-II,和欧洲的生活质量(QoL)的规模。调查提出了一次,的问题是回答prelockdown(召回前一个月监禁)和锁定的研究(时间)时间。结果总的来说,331名患者完成了调查(反应率40.7%):102年,嗜睡症,与RLS和IH 81, 148。所有患者报道后就寝时间,减少差异时间在床上(TIB)和总睡眠时间(TST)超过24小时工作日和周末。嗜睡症患者花费更多的矿和增加TST一夜之间,白天打盹。他们有更多的醒来,ESS评分高,低质量,没有NSS变化。婴幼儿血管瘤患者也增加了TIB,结核菌素在一夜之间,在工作日24小时。夜间睡眠延迟和醒来的数量增加,但在ESS没有改变,生命质量,ihs的分数。RLS患者夜间睡眠潜伏期长,报道更无语问苍天,更多的小睡,一夜之间减少TIB,结核菌素。 RLS severity increased while QoL decreased. A significant portion of patients reported disease worsening during the lockdown (narcolepsy: 39.4%, IH: 43.6%, and RLS: 32.8%), and some patients stopped or lowered their medication (narcolepsy: 22.5%, IH: 28%, and RLS: 9.5%).Discussion During the lockdown, all patients reported later bedtimes; those with narcolepsy and IH extended their sleep duration unlike patients with RLS. These changes were often associated with negative consequences on QoL. In the current context of recurrent COVID-19 waves, the recent development of teleconsultations should enable physicians to monitor patients with chronic sleep disorders more closely and to recommend optimized sleep schedules and duration, in order to prevent psychological problems and improve their QoL.BDI-II=Beck Depression Inventory–II; COVID-19=coronavirus disease 2019; DNS=disrupted nocturnal sleep; EQ-5D=European QoL 5-dimensions; ESS=Epworth Sleepiness Scale; ICSD-3=Third International Classification of Sleep Disorders; IH=idiopathic hypersomnia; IHSS=IH Severity Scale; IRLS=International RLS Study Group questionnaire; ISI=Insomnia Severity Index; MSLT=Multiple Sleep Latency Test; NSS=Narcolepsy Severity Scale; NT1=narcolepsy type 1; NT2=narcolepsy type 2; QoL=quality of life; RLS=restless legs syndrome; TST=total sleep time; VAS=visual analog scale ER -