TY - T1的监控未破裂颅内动脉瘤的JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e890 LP - e903做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000200785六世- 99 - 9 AU -蒂姆·亚尼克耐腐蚀合金盟Myriam M.G. Hunink AU -鲁本Dammers盟Adriaan C.G.M. van Es AU -维克多Volovici盟-詹姆斯·f·伯克盟Femke林祖嘉克雷默AU - Diederik j•因为盟——鲍勃Roozenbeek Y1 - 2022/08/30 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/9/e890.abstract N2 -背景和目标不存在共识适当监测保守管理未破裂首页颅内动脉瘤(uia)。我们旨在确定最佳MRI监测策略的发展建设史的使用成本效益分析。第二个目标是开发一个临床个体化UIA监视的工具。方法从医疗的角度我们设计了一个微观分析模拟模型模拟100000年55岁的女性估计成本和质量调整生命年(qaly)一生地平线在美国,英国,荷兰,使用literature-derived模型参数。具体国家的成本和愿意支付的阈值(100000美元/美国QALY,£30000 / QALY英国、荷兰和€80000 / QALY)。生命周期成本和qaly每年以3%的折扣对于美国,英国为3.5%,或4%(成本)和1.5% (qaly)荷兰。策略没有后续监测、随访MRI在第一和第五年UIA发现后,每隔5年,每2年,每年或直接干预(即。、剪辑或卷)。利用微观分析模拟模型,我们开发了一个个性化的工具UIA监测为男性和女性,不同年龄和不同动脉瘤的特征。输入参数的不确定性和概率敏感性分析建模。Results Among 55-year-old women, 2,222 individuals in the United States, 1,910 in the United Kingdom, and 2,040 in the Netherlands needed to undergo an annual MRI scan to prevent 1 case of subarachnoid hemorrhage per year. No surveillance MRI was most cost-effective in the United States (in 47% of the simulations) and United Kingdom (in 54% of simulations), whereas annual MRI was most cost-effective in the Netherlands (in 53% of simulations). In the United States and United Kingdom, annual surveillance or surveillance in the first and fifth year after discovery was cost-effective in patients <60 years and at increased risk of aneurysm growth. The optimal, personalized, surveillance strategies were summarized in a look-up table for use in clinical practice.Discussion Generally, the US and UK physicians should refrain from assigning patients, particularly older patients and those with few risk factors for aneurysm growth or rupture, to frequent MRI surveillance. In the Netherlands, annual follow-up is generally most cost-effective.AHA=American Heart Association; ARR=absolute risk reduction; ASA=American Stroke Association; CEAC=cost-effectiveness acceptability curve; CTA=CT angiography; ELAPSS=Earlier subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysm Location, Age, Population, aneurysm Size, and Shape; EVT=endovascular treatment; ICER=incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; ISUIA=International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms; MRA=magnetic resonance angiography; PSA=probabilistic sensitivity analysis; QALY=quality-adjusted life year; SAH=subarachnoid hemorrhage; UIA=unruptured intracranial aneurysm; WTP=willingness-to-pay ER -