TY - T1的临床推理:一名43岁男子与亚急性出现视力障碍,下巴痉挛,平衡和睡眠困难JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 387 LP - 392 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000200950六世- 99 - 9 AU -艾玛·奥罗斯科盟郭永盟——约翰·j·陈盟Divyanshu Dubey AU -布拉德利·豪厄尔AU -玛格丽特Moutvic AU -埃里克·k·圣路易斯AU -安德鲁·麦肯Y1 - 2022/08/30 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/9/387.abstract N2 -脑干综合症是识别与视觉障碍,患者不配合,步态首页问题,演讲和吞咽困难,最近诊断为睡眠症状。脑干疾病亚急性发作(禁用赤字的积累发展6 - 12周)通常的自身免疫性,感染,炎症,或浸润性肿瘤的原因。自体免疫性或传染性脑干障碍可能称为脑干脑炎或rhombencephalitis。与多种自身免疫性rhombencephalitis,我们描述一个病人被诊断线索包括以下:多样化的视觉和睡眠症状,破伤风,历史上和窒息;跷跷板眼球震颤、斜视眼阵挛、构音障碍、下颌肌张力障碍和情景性喉痉挛;微妙但纵向和nonenhancing T2 MRI异常在脑干和上颈线;和脑脊液寡克隆乐队。他的动作disorder-specific神经免疫球蛋白剖面显示ANNA-2 (anti-Ri)和KLHL-11-IgG。两者都是多种生物标志物脑干脑炎。 KLCHL-11-IgG has been reported to accompany germ cell tumors, which was found in a solitary metastasis to the left inguinal lymph node in our patient, along with an atrophic left testis. Multidisciplinary treatment (autoimmune neurology, sleep medicine, ophthalmology, and physiatry) led to significant clinical improvements. This case provides a framework for the evaluation of patients with subacute-onset brainstem syndromes and the investigation and management of those with paraneoplastic and other autoimmune diseases. ER -