TY -的T1 -协会血浆与脑脊液浓度和生物标志物水平的数量和严重性脑震荡在专业运动员摩根富林明-神经学乔-神经病学SP - e347 LP - e354做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000200615六世- 99 - 4 AU -普什图Shahim盟Henrik Zetterberg AU -乔尔Simren AU -尼古拉斯·j·阿什顿AU -吉娜Norato AU -迈克尔肖勒盟Yelverton Tegner AU -拉蒙Diaz-Arrastia盟Kaj Blennow Y1 - 2022/07/26 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/99/4/e347.abstract N2 -背景和目标是否大脑生物标志物首页total-tau (T-tau)、胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和β-amyloid 40 - 42 (Aβ)同分异构体在血浆与脑脊液中相应的浓度,血脑屏障完整性和持续时间postconcussion综合症(pc)由于重复的影响(这)的职业运动员。在这个横断面研究方法,职业运动员与持久的电脑由于开展的最近的脑震荡后(平均1.5年)和未受伤害的控制与血液和脑脊液抽样评估。电脑的诊断是基于精神障碍的诊断与统计手册(第四版)。运动员为通过传单关于该研究的信息发送到瑞典冰球联盟(SHL)和SHL医学委员会。哥德堡大学的控制为通过传单和卡大学医院,瑞典。参与者进行腰椎穿刺和血液在卡大学医院评估。主要结果措施的开展历史和pc严重性(pc在1年vs pc & lt; 1年)与血浆和脑脊液浓度T-tau, GFAP、Aβ40,Aβ42。等离子体T-tau、GFAP Aβ40,Aβ42量化使用一个超灵敏检测技术。结果共有47个参与者(28运动员(平均年龄28年,射程18-52)与持久的电脑由于RHI 19控制(平均年龄,25年,范围21-35])接受了血液和脑脊液配对抽样。T-tau、Aβ40 Aβ42浓度测量等离子体没有与相应的脑脊液浓度,虽然是GFAP的血浆和CSF水平之间的相关性(r = 0.45, p = 0.020)。 There were no significant relationships between plasma T-tau, GFAP, and blood-brain barrier integrity as measured by the CSF:serum albumin ratio. T-tau, GFAP, Aβ40, and Aβ42 measured in plasma did not relate to PCS severity. None of the markers measured in plasma correlated with number of concussions, except decreased Aβ42 in those with higher number of concussions (r = −0.40, p = 0.04).Discussion T-tau, GFAP, Aβ40, and Aβ42 measured in plasma do not correspond to CSF measures and may have limited utility for the evaluation of the late effects of RHI, compared with when measured in CSF.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class III evidence that in professional athletes with postconcussion symptoms, plasma concentrations of T-tau, GFAP, Aβ40, and Aβ42 are not informative in the diagnosis of late effects of repetitive head injuries.Aβ=β-amyloid; AD=Alzheimer disease; GFAP=glial fibrillary acidic protein; LP=lumbar puncture; PCS=postconcussive syndrome; RHI=repetitive head impact; RPQ=Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptom Questionnaire; SHL=Swedish Hockey League; TBI=traumatic brain injury; T-tau=total-tau ER -