达妮卡@article {Pauloe2060作者= {l·保罗和克里斯汀·e·遗嘱和格雷厄姆·w·约翰逊和赫尔南F.J.冈萨雷斯和约翰·d·罗尔斯顿和罗伯特·p·Naftel和希尔帕b . Reddy和维多利亚·l·摩根Hakmook康和威廉姆斯Shawniqua罗伯森Saramati纳史木汗和达里奥j . Englot}, title = {SEEG功能连通性的措施来识别由癫痫引起的区域},体积={98}={20},页面= {e2060——e2072} = {2022}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000200386}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目标功能连通性(FC)措施可以用来区分由癫痫引起的区域(ez) non-首页EZs顽固性癫痫患者。小的工作已经完成评估的稳定性stereo-EEG (SEEG) FC措施随着时间的推移和抗癫痫药物(ASM)使用的关系,关键在“癫痫FC的研究。我们旨在回答下列问题:随着时间的推移SEEG FC措施稳定?他们受到asm吗?他们受到病人数据收集状态吗?方法在32医学难治性局灶性癫痫患者,我们收集了一个两分钟准SEEG静止状态(醒着,闭上眼睛)数据集和连续两分钟回顾pseudo-rest(醒了,睁着眼睛)数据集1 {\ textendash} 7 postimplantation的日子。ASM剂量记录几天1 {\ textendash} 7 postimplantation和药物负荷得分(DLS)每天计算标准化并在患者比较。FC是评估使用直接和非直接的措施。标准的发作的临床解释SEEG用于分类的大脑区域ez和non-EZs。结果超过7天,假定ez比non-EZs当使用之间始终有更高的FC虚相干(ImCoh)和部分相干(PDC)内在的力量,没有占DLS。 These measures were demonstrated to be stable over a short-term period of 3 consecutive days with the same DLS. Between ImCoh FC differences between EZs and non-EZs were reduced with DLS decreases, whereas other measures were not affected by DLS. FC differences between EZs and non-EZs were seen during both resting-state and pseudo-rest conditions; ImCoh values were strongly correlated between the 2 conditions, whereas PDC values were not.Discussion Inward and nondirected SEEG FC is higher in presumed EZs vs non-EZs and measures are stable over time. However, certain measures may be affected by ASM dose, as between ImCoh differences between EZs and non-EZs are less pronounced with lower doses, and other measures such as PDC are poorly correlated across recording conditions. These findings allow novel insight into how SEEG FC measures may aid surgical localization and how they are influenced by ASMs and other factors.ASM=antiseizure medication; DLS=drug load score; EMR=electronic medical record; EMU=epilepsy monitoring unit; EZ=epileptogenic zone; FC=functional connectivity; FDR=false discovery rate; iEEG=intracranial EEG; ImCoh=imaginary coherence; IRB=institutional review board; LME=linear mixed effects; MEG=magnetoencephalography; PDC=partial directed coherence; RNS=responsive neurostimulation; SEEG=stereo-EEG; VUMC=Vanderbilt University Medical Center}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/20/e2060}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/20/e2060.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }