PT -期刊文章AU -布鲁斯Bebo盟Inna Cintina AU -尼古拉斯LaRocca AU -莱斯利·里特盟-巴里Talente AU -丹尼尔哈东盟Surachat Ngorsuraches AU -米切尔沃林盟恩典杨TI -多发性硬化症的经济负担- 10.1212 / WNL在美国援助。0000000000200150 DP - 2022年5月03 TA -神经病首页学PG - e1810 e1817 VI - 98 IP - 18 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2022可能03;98 AB -背景和目标最近的一份报告估计,大约有100万成年人患有多发性硬化症(MS)在美国。尽管很少女士死亡的直接原因,其对正常的身体功能的衰弱影响会导致相当大的破坏日常生活包括工作和生活角色,物理独立性,流动性,社会互动,参与休闲活动。这项研究估计的总经济负担女士于2019年在美国。方法本研究使用了感染率的方法来估计女士声称的国家经济负担3来源(当前医疗保险受益人的调查,医疗保险标准分析文件,和消除识别信息规范卫生信息系统为联合健康集团)被用来获得直接成本和调查是收集开发的间接成本(例如,劳动力市场效率损失,带薪或无薪的照顾者的成本,修改)从946 MS患者(pwm)。直接医疗成本反映了不同平均每年总额支付pwm vs匹配控制没有女士未来收益损失过早死亡归因于女士计算使用疾病控制和预防中心死亡率数据和医疗保险索赔数据。结果估计总体经济负担为854亿美元,与633亿美元的直接医疗成本和间接和非医疗成本为221亿美元。零售处方药(54%);clinic-administered药物,药物,和管理(12%);和门诊护理(9%)的3个最大的直接成本。pwm平均超过人均年度医疗费用为65612美元; at $35,154 per person, disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) accounted for the largest proportion of this cost. The cost per DMT user ranged from $57,202 to $92,719, depending on sex–age strata. The average indirect and nonmedical costs were $18,542 per PwMS and $22,875 per PwMS if caregivers' costs were included. Lost earnings due to premature death, presenteeism, and absenteeism losses were the largest indirect cost components.Discussion MS is a costly chronic disease, with direct costs of prescription drugs and indirect productivity loss being important cost drivers. Our findings suggested that the burden of MS in the United States has been underestimated.ACS=American Community Survey; CDC=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CPS=Current Population Survey; DMT=disease-modifying therapy; dNHI=Optum de-identified Normative Health Information; ICD=International Classification of Diseases; MCBS=Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey; MS=multiple sclerosis; PwMS=people with multiple sclerosis; SSDI=Social Security Disability Insurance