TY -的T1 -协会睡眠,神经心理的表现,和灰质体积Glymphatic功能在社区老年人JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e829 LP - - 10.1212 / WNL e838做。首页0000000000013215六世- 98 - 8 AU - ti绮Siow盟程香港(AU - Jung-Lung Hsu盟Geng-Hao刘盟- Shwu-Hua李盟Ning-Hung陈盟Changjui詹姆斯富盟-毛卡斯蒂略盟方Ji-Tseng Y1 - 2022/02/22 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/8/e829.abstract N2 - glymphatic系统背景和目标,这是强劲启用期间的睡眠阶段,fluid-tr首页ansport途径,清除脑废物。大多数当代知识关于glymphatic系统推断从啮齿动物实验和人体研究是有限的。我们的目标是探索人类glymphatic之间的关联函数,睡眠,神经心理的表现,和脑灰质体积。本横断式研究方法包括曾参与个体的60岁以上老年医学研究的集成系统数据解决方案健康老龄化研究2019年9月至2020年10月。社区老年人被登记在两个不同的网站。参与者与痴呆、抑郁障碍,和其他主要器官系统异常被排除在外。睡眠概要文件是使用问卷访问和多导睡眠图。管理包括日常认知神经心理学测试电池(ECog)和财团建立注册为阿尔茨海默病神经心理学电池(CERAD-NB)。基于核磁共振的灰质体积估计。 Diffusion tensor imaging analysis along the perivascular space (DTI-ALPS) index was used as the MRI marker of glymphatic function.Results A total of 84 participants (mean [SD] age 73.3 [7.1] years, 47 [56.0%] women) were analyzed. Multivariate linear regression model determined that age (unstandardized β, −0.0025 [SE 0.0001]; p = 0.02), N2 sleep duration (unstandardized β, 0.0002 [SE 0.0001]; p = 0.04), and the apnea-hypopnea index (unstandardized β, −0.0011 [SE 0.0005]; p = 0.03) were independently associated with DTI-ALPS. Higher DTI-ALPS was associated with better ECog language scores (unstandardized β, −0.59 [SE 0.28]; p = 0.04) and better CERAD-NB word list learning delayed recall subtest scores (unstandardized β, 6.17 [SE 2.31]; p = 0.009) after covarying for age and education. Higher DTI-ALPS was also associated with higher gray matter volume (unstandardized β, 107.00 [SE 43.65]; p = 0.02) after controlling for age, sex, and total intracranial volume.Discussion Significant associations were identified between glymphatic function and sleep, stressing the importance of sleep for brain health. This study also revealed associations between DTI-ALPS, neuropsychological performance, and cerebral gray matter volumes, suggesting the potential of DTI-ALPS as a biomarker for cognitive disorders.AD=Alzheimer disease; AHI=apnea-hypopnea index; AQP4=aquaporin 4; CERAD-NB=Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease Neuropsychological Battery; DTI=diffusion tensor imaging; DTI-ALPS=diffusion tensor imaging–analysis along the perivascular space; ECog=Everyday Cognition; FA=fractional anisotropy; FDR=false discovery rate; MMSE=Mini-Mental State Examination; NREM=non-REM; PSG=polysomnography; PSQI=Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PVS=perivascular spaces; ROI=region of interest ER -