作者@article {Voinescue802 = {P。Emanuela Voinescu Alexa n . Ehlert和卡姆登p湾和斯蒂芬妮Allien和页面Pennell}, title ={发作频率变化在怀孕期间和产后的癫痫类型},体积={98}={8},页面= {e802——e807} = {2022}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000013056}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={背景和目标来评估是否增加发作频率在怀孕期间和产后影响癫痫类型、发作的位置,和抗首页癫痫药物。方法收集临床数据的纵向前瞻性的数据库与癫痫孕妇布莱根妇女医院{\ textquoteright}年代。在每个参与者,基线发作频率计算受孕前9个月,以及是否发作频率增加孕期或产后。发作频率计算每四周怀孕期间间隔。广义估计方程逻辑回归的应用。结果九十九例贡献114怀孕被包括从2013年到2018年。发作频率增加经常发生在怀孕期间的女性的焦点和全身性癫痫(21.1 vs 5.3 \ \ % %,优势比4.70[或],95 \ %可信区间[CI] 1.00 {\ textendash} 22.00;p = 0.0497)。女性与局灶性癫痫发作频率增加更经常发生在那些与额叶癫痫(2.19或8.00,95 \ % CI {\ textendash} 29.21; p = 0.0017). There was no difference in seizure worsening in the postpartum period between the focal and generalized (11.1\% vs 9.1\%; p = 0.4478) or frontal and other focal (18.8\% vs 6.0\%; p = 0.1478) epilepsy groups. Pregnancies on polytherapy had higher odds of seizure worsening compared to monotherapy (OR 8.36, 95\% CI 2.07{\textendash}33.84; p = 0.0029), regardless of the medication or epilepsy type. A lack of preconception seizure freedom was also associated with increased seizure frequency during pregnancy (OR 6.418; p = 0.0076).Discussion Women with focal epilepsy have higher likelihood of seizure worsening during pregnancy compared to women with generalized epilepsy; frontal lobe epilepsy poses an especially elevated risk. Polytherapy and lack of preconception seizure freedom are additional predictors for an increased likelihood of seizure worsening.ASM=antiseizure medication; CI=confidence interval; OR=odds ratio; RTC=ratio-to-target concentration; WWE=women with epilepsy}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/8/e802}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/8/e802.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }