TY - T1的脑血管抵押品完整性在儿科大血管闭塞JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e352 LP - e363做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000013081六世- 98 - 4 AU -萨拉李盟江本盟- Max Wintermark AU -迈克尔Mlynash盟Soren克里斯腾森盟-罗纳德·strat AU -加布里埃尔Broocks盟盟阿斯特丽德克- Franziska多恩AU - Omid Nikoubashman盟丹尼尔Kaiser AU -安德里亚Morotti盟Ulf Jensen-Kondering AU -约翰Trenkler Jens Fiehler AU -马库斯Mohlenbruch盟盟-莫里茨Wildgruber AU -安德烈Kemmling盟腻过Psychogios AU -彼得·b·斯波恩盟代表拯救孩子的调查人员Y1 - 2022/01/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/4/e352.abstract N2 -背景和目标健壮的成人患者的脑血管络脉大血管闭塞中风与更长的治疗相关窗口,更好的再通率,和改进的成果,但在儿科络脉中风的作用是不清楚。首页的主要目的是确定有利的络脉与更好的影像学和临床结果在缺血性中风的孩子接受了血栓切除术。方法本研究分析儿童参加SaveChildS的子集,回顾,多中心、观察性队列研究73儿童中风患者接受血栓切除术在2000年和2018年之间在27岁美国和欧洲的中心。包括患者基线血管造影成像和后续改良Rankin量表分数可供审查。后循环遮挡被排除在外。脑血管络脉在急性神经影像学分级2盲神经放射根据谭抵押品得分,在有利的担保物被定义为在50%填充和不利的络脉& lt; 50%填充远端闭塞静脉。抵押状态与临床和神经影像学特点和结果。群体间的比较进行了Wilcoxon rank-sum测试连续变量或Fisher精确检验二进制变量。结果33儿童(平均年龄10.9 (SD±4.9))年了;14(42.4%)有良好的担保物。 Median final stroke volume as a percent of total brain volume (TBV) was significantly lower in patients with favorable collaterals (1.35% [interquartile range (IQR) 1.14%–3.76%] vs 7.86% [IQR 1.54%–11.07%], p = 0.049). Collateral status did not correlate with clinical outcome, infarct growth, or final Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) in our cohort. Patients with favorable collaterals had higher baseline ASPECTS (7 [IQR 6–8] vs 5.5 [4–6], p = 0.006), smaller baseline ischemic volume (1.57% TBV [IQR 1.09%–2.29%] vs 3.42% TBV [IQR 1.26%–5.33%], p = 0.035), and slower early infarct growth rate (2.4 mL/h [IQR 1.5–5.1 mL/h] vs 10.4 mL/h [IQR 3.0–30.7 mL/h], p = 0.028).Discussion Favorable collaterals were associated with smaller final stroke burden and slower early infarct growth rate but not with better clinical outcome in our study. Prospective studies are needed to determine the impact of collaterals in childhood stroke.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class II evidence that in children with ischemic stroke undergoing thrombectomy, favorable collaterals were associated with improved radiographic outcomes but not with better clinical outcomes.ASPECTS=Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; CI=confidence interval; CRISP=CT Perfusion to Predict Response to Recanalization in Ischemic Stroke Project; DAWN=Diffusion-Weighted Imaging or CTP Assessment With Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake-Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing Neurointervention With Trevo; DEFUSE 3=Endovascular Therapy Following Imaging Evaluation for Ischemic Stroke; DWI=diffusion weighted-imaging; ECASS=European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study; MR=magnetic resonance; mRS=modified Rankin Scale; mTICI=modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction; NIHSS=NIH Stroke Scale; PSOM=Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure; TBV=total brain volume ER -