@article {Asukilee164作者={旋律Tunsubilege Asukile查理a Viljoen和爱德华·李潘罗兰·伊士曼和劳伦斯Maskew塔克},title ={评估一个在线学习工具的功效脑电图教学},体积={98}={2},页面= {e164——e173} = {2022}, doi = {10.1212 / WNL。出版商0000000000012996}= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的确定6个的有效性,互动,多通道,基于web的脑电图教学计划(EEGonli首页ne)在改善神经学家脑电图的分析和解读能力,神经病学居民,和技术人员,尤其是在资源有限的设置。方法2017年6月至2018年11月,179学生来自20个非洲国家,欧洲,和美国注册EEGonline课程。其中,128学习者(91 \ %非洲)参加了实验。预处理和postcourse多项选择问题(MCQ)测试结果和EEGonline用户日志进行了分析。预处理和后续测试性能的差异与量化接触各种EEGonline学习模式。参与者{\ textquoteright}的印象EEGonline效力和有效性通过预处理和postcourse满意度调查进行评估。结果九十一名参与者试图预处理和postcourse测试(71 \ %响应率)。平均分数从46.7提高17.6 \ \ % {\ textpm} % 64.1 \ % {\ textpm} 18 \ %,分别(p \ < 0.001,科恩d 0.974)。最大的改进是在正确识别正常功能(43.2 \ 59.1 \ % % {\ textendash};科恩\ p < 0.001, 0.664 d)和工件(43.3 \ 61.6 \ % % {\ textendash};0.836 p \ < 0.001,科恩d)。 Improvement in knowledge was associated with improved subjective confidence in EEG analysis. Overall confidence among postcourse survey respondents improved significantly from 35.9\% to 81.9\% (p \< 0.001). Lecture notes, self-assessment quizzes, and discussion forums were the most utilized learning modalities. The majority of survey respondents (97.2\%) concluded that EEGonline was a useful learning tool and 93\% recommended that similar courses should be included in EEG training curricula.Conclusions This study demonstrated that a multimodal, online EEG teaching tool was effective in improving EEG analysis and interpretation skills and may be useful in resource-poor settings.MCQ=multiple-choice question}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/2/e164}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/2/e164.full.pdf}, journal = {Neurology} }