TY -的T1 -持续后震荡症状的康复和活跃NHL退役的球员:临床病例系列JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S23 LP - S24做wnl.0000801960.84549 10.1212/01.。首页d4六世- 98 - 1补充1 AU -马修·迈克尔公诉盟-艾米丽Kalambaheti盟德里克·巴顿AU -肖恩Kornfeld盟Kenneth Jay Y1 - 2022/01/04 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/98/1_Supplement_1/S23.3.abstract N2 -客观的首页评价12康复病例系列为例在与体育运动有关的脑震荡。竞赛项目的相关背景NHL脑震荡是一种常见的损伤。虽然大多数运动员恢复几周内保持轻微的头部受伤,一些人仍持续症状后几个月或几年之后推荐复苏和返回的指导方针。设计/方法十二个男运动员NHL(6/6活跃/退休;平均年龄/身高/体重/症状持续时间/ #脑震荡(SD): 33.4年[7.9]:185.8厘米(5.1):94.8公斤(14.6);121周之久:[156];4.3[2.3])与持久但轻度后震荡症状治疗10次门诊neurorehabilitation中心专业从事功能性神经学。首页运动员进行评估之前和之后的治疗利用C3 Logix平台。干预措施包括联合操纵、神经肌肉再教育,前庭神经康复的全身离轴转动装置,直视的练习,和认知训练。分级症状清单(0 - 162),数字符号编码,简单——和选择反应时,跟踪分析了A / B测试Graphpad棱镜。由多个配对t 9.1.0 Holm-Šidak修正。 Results are reported as differences-of-means pre- to post-treatment (SE) with Cohen's d effect sizes [ES] (0.2, 0.5, 0.8 represents small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively). p-values <0.05 were considered significant.Results Graded Symptom Checklist score (p < 0.001): −25.1 (4.0) [1.83]; Digit-Symbol Matching speed (#symbols) (p = 0.03): 6.2 (1.9) [0.92]; Simple reaction time (ms) (p = 0.03): −74.7 (22.9) [0.94]; Choice reaction time (ms) (p = 0.009): −106.1 (26.0) [1.18]; Trails A (s) (p = 0.04) [0.80]: −2.6 (0.9); and Trails B (s) (p = 0.04): −6.0 (2.2) [0.79].Conclusions The present case series shows that a functional neurology approach of multimodal short duration intensive therapies can produce clinically meaningful improvements with large and very large effect sizes, in both the concussion symptoms and neurocognitive performance, of 12 professional NHL players experiencing symptom stagnation. ER -