PT -期刊文章盟人员Dipali p Nemade AU -诺曼Cottrill盟-玛丽·佩恩TI - Post-Concussive头痛的发生率和持续时间儿童体育诊所:横断面研究援助——wnl.0000801792.09184 10.1212/01.。e1 DP - 2022年1月04 TA -神经病首页学PG -第六S7 - S7 - 98 IP - 1补充1 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2022 1月04;98 AB -目的我们的目标是识别潜在风险因素与易感性增加有关持续post-concussive头痛。背景脑震荡是常见的,但复杂,创伤性脑损伤在儿科各个年龄段的运动员,技能水平,发生在各种各样的运动设置。这些轻度创伤性脑损伤经常有神经系统后遗症,包括头痛。尽管建议运动员休息,post-concussive症状的持续时间通常是不可预测的。设计/方法我们进行了一项横断面研究患者头部受伤5日至18日期间召开岁了脑震荡儿科诊所(N = 603)从2013年9月到2018年12月。我们排除了颅骨骨折及颅内出血患者。数据被编译, analyzed using frequency, Pearson correlation test, chi square & ANOVA test using IBM SPSS- 26.Results Patient cohort consisted of 364 males & 239 females. The age range for males was 5–18 years (Mean age ± SD: 13.45 ± 2.86) & for females was 6–18 years (Mean age ± SD: 13.97 ± 2.84). There was statically significant association between various age groups & presence of headache at 3 & 6 months (p < 0.05). Out of all ages, age group 5–8 years had highest risk of persistent headache while the age group 14–18 years reported headaches at 3 months but then resolution of symptoms by one year (p < 0.05). Females were more likely than males (of all ages) to have persistent headaches despite treatment (p = 0.00). There was also a statistically significant difference between loss of consciousness, prior history of headaches & prior history of concussions towards the development of persistent headaches (p < 0.05). Furthermore, football, soccer and basketball had significantly more headaches compared to other sports related injuries (p = 0.001).Conclusions There was a statistically higher risk of developing persistent headaches for females and those with a history of prior headache, prior concussion, younger age, and those playing football, soccer or basketball.